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What house plants bring happiness and prosperity?

Observant flower growers have noticed that some house flowers have powerful energy. It turns out that to solve household problems, sometimes it is enough to buy and arrange indoor plants in the house for family happiness and well-being.



The eye-catching flower, whose homeland is tropical forests, is popularly called “male happiness.” For single men who want to start a family, anthurium is a must. The flower will increase potency, add charisma and self-confidence to its owner, and help choose a lover.

Flower growers consider this plant to be a capricious sissy. In order for a flower to constantly delight with its beauty, it is important to create conditions close to a tropical climate - and this means high humidity, high air temperature and bright, diffused lighting.



The succulent looks like a low, compact shrub with thick, heart-shaped leaves. Popularly it received two names - “tree of happiness” and “tree of love”.

This plant is usually given as a gift to new residents. With aichrison, there will always be peace and mutual understanding in the family. The flower responds to the calm, friendly atmosphere between spouses by blooming abundantly. On the contrary, if the leaves begin to dry out and fall off, then the owners need to think about their relationship and try to prevent the impending disaster.

Hibiscus blooms


The Chinese rose will help to cope with depression, ward off unwanted annoying thoughts, and will contribute to the establishment of partnerships in business and marital relationships in the family. Once settled in an apartment, a beauty from the east, by some miraculous power, invites men into it and helps the young woman attract the attention of representatives of the other sex.

For the Chinese, hibiscus is a symbol of peace, mutual respect and passion. Growing a plant together will help restore women's happiness and positive emotions.

Pink geranium on the windowsill


This plant has been known to many since childhood and is often seen on the windowsills of houses and city apartments. The flower has many types, which differ in the shape of the leaves and the color of the inflorescences. All varieties of geranium have powerful positive energy, but the plant with purple baskets stands out especially in this regard.

Pelargonium (geranium) repels pests, purifies the air, and protects married couples from damage and the evil eye. In a home where pelargonium grows, peace, mutual understanding and comfort will reign forever.



Saintpaulia, also known as the violet, has long been considered a talisman for lovers. This compact plant, which can easily be placed on a narrow windowsill or small stands, creates comfort and coziness in the apartment, bringing a festive atmosphere to life.

Violet blooms well only where harmony and mutual understanding reign. If quarrels and conflicts often occur in a family, the flowers fade and the plant dies.



A houseplant with the colorful name “female happiness” is usually planted by young women or unmarried girls who dream of a happy marriage. In order for peace and tranquility to always reign in the house, the plant must be cared for according to all the rules.You should not give a flowering plant as a gift, since it has long been believed that prosperity flows out of the house along with spathiphyllum flowers. If the family argues and scolds, the flower dies.

Blooming chrysanthemums in pots


Chrysanthemum will help preserve a tender relationship between spouses for many years. In addition, unmarried women and young girls who want to quickly meet their soulmate should definitely pay attention to this home plant. Chrysanthemum will increase self-confidence, give peace and tranquility, and warn against committing unseemly acts.

Myrtle in a pot


Myrtle is usually given to newlyweds as a wedding gift. Old-timers believe that love, peace and harmony will not leave the home in which this houseplant stands. It is very good if the bride herself grew a myrtle bush on the eve of the wedding and gave each of the guests a sprig during the celebration. Such a marriage will be long and successful. The plant is also indispensable for couples who want to have a child.

Scientists have proven that representatives of the flora can react to the energy field of people, noises and other phenomena. They listen to words of gratitude for family happiness, prosperity and success - and in return they help their owners even more.

You can believe folk signs or not, but if there is discord and tension in the house, it would be a good idea to visit a flower shop and buy a couple of new green pets. What if the problem is solved in such an unusual way?

Do you believe that flowers affect the energy of the home?
  1. Varvara


  2. Antonina


  3. Lyudmila

    I’ll give my friend a chrysanthemum, she really wants to get married but it still doesn’t work out.


