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How to make powdered sugar if you don’t have a coffee grinder - 7 ways

To prevent powdered sugar from losing its presentation, manufacturers can mix it with a variety of additives. Additional ingredients prevent clumping and give the sweet powder a beautiful white color. If you want to make dessert or baked goods exclusively from a natural product, then it is better to make powdered sugar yourself.

Bun sprinkled with powder

The easiest way to make powder is in a coffee grinder, but if you don’t have one, you can use other methods, which we’ll discuss below.

1. Making powdered sugar using a blender

Using an immersion blender, you can effortlessly prepare a fairly large batch of sweet powder in just a few minutes.

Note: To get 100 g of powdered sugar, you need to take 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Making powdered sugar using a blender

To grind sugar, you need to prepare a deep bowl and cling film.

  1. Pour the required amount of sugar into a bowl and place a blender there.
  2. Then you will need to cover the container with film, since during operation of the electrical appliance the sugar will fly in different directions.
  3. Now you can turn on the blender, setting it to the highest speed.
  4. Since the sugar will settle at the bottom of the bowl, the mixture will need to be stirred periodically. To do this, you can remove the film and mix the contents of the container with a spoon, or, without removing the cling film, gently shake the bowl in your hands.

The longer the blender runs, the finer the powder will be.The whole process takes from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the amount of product. Homemade powder made using this method is in no way inferior to store-bought powder, although its consistency is a little denser.

2. Mortar and pestle

You can use a special mortar and pestle to grind sugar. In a larger mortar, 2 tablespoons of sugar can be ground in a couple of minutes. And when using a small container (up to 150 ml), the process may be too labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Mortar and pestle

To obtain a fine powder, you need to grind the sugar as thoroughly as possible. If it begins to gather dust and stick to the walls of the mortar, then the powder is ready.

Tip: To get high-quality, fine powdered sugar, you cannot fill the mortar with sugar more than 1.3 times its volume. It is better to grind in small portions.

3. Rolling pin

If you don’t have electrical appliances and a mortar at home, you can use a rolling pin. You will also need a large cutting board (preferably wooden), a fine sieve and a paper bag. It is very convenient to use rectangular paper bread bags.

Grinding sugar with a rolling pin

So, to make powdered sugar using a rolling pin, you will need:

  • Pour 0.5-1 cup of sugar into the bag.
  • Distribute the sugar evenly inside the bag and place it on a cutting board.
  • Now energetically and forcefully begin to roll out the bag with a rolling pin, periodically performing rubbing movements.
  • When the sugar is ground to a powder, sift it through the finest sieve to remove uncrushed grains from the powder.

Tip: Instead of a rolling pin, you can use an empty glass bottle or jar.

4. Spoon

You can turn sugar into powder at home using an ordinary tablespoon.This method is suitable if you need to get a small amount of powdered sugar, for example, to sprinkle baked croissants, pancakes or buns.

Place a tablespoon of sugar directly on the cutting board and begin vigorously rubbing it with the same spoon. Periodically collect the sugar into a pile and continue grinding until it turns into fine dust.

Prepared powder in a grain crusher

5. Hammer

A hammer can be used as a chopper. Pour about a glass of sugar into a paper bag and start tapping it with a hammer. You need to hit it hard, but carefully: the sugar should turn into dust, but the paper should remain undamaged. If the bag ruptures, you will have to replace it.

Sift the resulting powdered sugar through a fine sieve and use as intended.

6. Grain crusher

Many beekeepers need powdered sugar in large quantities: from it they prepare food for bees - kandi. To buy several buckets of powder, you will have to spend a lot of money. A coffee grinder and the methods described above for its preparation are also not suitable, but using a grain crusher, for example, “Elikor-1” or “Mlinok”, you can turn a bag of sugar into powder in just 40-50 minutes.

Before using the unit, it must be prepared - disassembled, vacuumed away any remaining grain, and wiped with a clean cloth.

Since the device is intended for grinding grain and the manufacturers did not initially provide the function of grinding sugar into powder, the grain crusher will need to be slightly modernized.

Powdered sugar

To do this, you need to remove the metal mesh and wrap it with a fine mesh, which is usually used for cleaning walls after puttying.

First, you need to cut a rectangle from a fine mesh, which should be exactly twice the size of the main mesh with large cells.

Now the upgraded part can be installed back, add sugar and turn on the grain crusher.

This method is suitable not only for beekeepers, but also for women who bake to order and purchase powdered sugar in large quantities.

7. Bulgarian

Another way that will allow you to quickly prepare a lot of sweet powder is a modernized grinder.

Grinder for making powder

The modernization process is carried out in the following order:

  • A hole is drilled in the bottom of an old pan with a volume of about 2 liters.
  • A bushing ring is welded to the outside of the bottom of the pan, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the part of the grinder where the casing is put on. The sleeve can be made from a metal pipe of the required diameter.
  • To prevent the pan from turning during operation, it is secured with a bolt.
  • A rectangle is cut out of stainless steel, which will serve as a blade. Its width is 3-5 cm, and its length should be 0.5-1 cm less than the inner diameter of the pan.
  • A hole is drilled in the center of the blade, then it is installed on a bolt inside the pan and secured with a nut and washer.

Next, all that remains is to pour sugar into the pan, cover it with a lid and turn on the grinder. This device turns 1 kg of sugar into powder in just 20-30 seconds.

As you can see, powdered sugar can be easily made without a coffee grinder in a variety of ways. Which one to choose, decide for yourself.

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