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How to make a protective mask without sewing in 30 seconds

All medical masks have been sold out in pharmacies and online stores, which means it’s time to get creative. People sew face protection from improvised materials: cotton fabric, napkins and even toilet paper! Let's figure out how to make a good mask quickly and save your budget.

To protect against infection, the mask must be sufficiently dense, but breathable, otherwise after a couple of minutes it will become uncomfortable to breathe in it. A properly made mask fits tightly and completely covers the lower part of the face from the ears to the chin. Household napkins or towels in a roll are ideal for these purposes: they are wide and porous, do not tear at the slightest touch and provide good protection against viruses.

What you will need:

Material for protective mask

  • household napkins in a roll;
  • scissors.

Making a disposable mask step by step:

1. We tear two napkins from the roll and place them on top of each other.

1. We tear two napkins from the roll and place them on top of each other.

2. Fold in half.

Fold in half

3. From the fold side we make two cuts with scissors, 3-4 cm away from the edge. These will be the holes for the ears. The length of the incision is no more than 5 cm, otherwise the mask will not adhere tightly to the face.

make two cuts with scissors

make two cuts with scissors

4. Unfold the napkin.

Unfolding the napkin

5. Fold both edges towards the center. The holes were in the middle of the mask

Fold both edges to the center

Fold both edges to the center

6. Ready! We put it on with the fold towards the face and boldly go outside. The shelf life of the mask is 2-4 hours.

Protective mask made from a napkin is ready.

7. After use, discard the mask and make a new one. If you need to visit a crowded place, it is better to wear 2-3 masks at once or make a filter.

Protective mask made of napkins

These protective measures are not quite enough to protect yourself from infection.

Filter for mask

But there is a way out: an additional filter layer between the layers of napkins. It can be made from ordinary medical gauze, bandage or sterile cotton wool:

We need: bandage and cotton wool

How to make a protective mask without sewing in 30 seconds1. When you unroll the mask with the finished slits, place a thin layer of gauze or bandage folded 2-4 times into it. You can carefully sew the filter with thread so that it does not move.

place a thin layer of gauze or bandage in it, folded 2-4 times


2. We do the same with cotton wool, but do not pack too thick a layer into the napkin, otherwise it will be difficult to breathe. The cotton wool itself can be wrapped in gauze or bandage.

Protective equipment is necessary in the current situation of the covid-19 pandemic, but they also help against other pathogens of ARVI. Don’t forget about disinfecting the room, washing your hands with soap and treating them with an antiseptic, wearing protective gloves and minimal contact with people.

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  1. Anna

    thanks, all worked well

    • Just a grandfather

      Kostya! You are apparently one of the FRAUDERS. And a link to a site that is malicious and deceives gullible people must be blocked and you and others like you should be imprisoned.

    • Iolanta

      Now put your mask in one place. Masks, in principle, except for special ones, do not protect against viruses. A competent person knows this, but stupid idiots, like the author, spread fake news.

    • 11K25

      It’s sad that the government silently invites us to save ourselves with improvised means. God forbid the war, businessmen profit from our misfortune.

    • guest

      where can I buy gauze? It’s also not in the pharmacy.

    • Anna

      Thank you!!! Very simple!!! And fast!!!

    • Brazhko Yulia

      The mask must be made of non-woven fabric!

  2. Nina

    Great I know before???

  3. Oksana

    Very good!!!

  4. Ruslan

    The virus fraction is very small in size - all these homemade products are just that! from dust! Make no mistake, these masks will save you from sand, dust and those around you. but not you from the virus!!!

    • Yana

      Nonsense! On the contrary, the virus will not pass through the tissue; it will remain outside. You need to protect yourself!

    • Alex

      And a mask for 36 rubles, which is not available, and which is recommended to be worn, this one helps in the same way, the main thing is that it should limit the splashing of saliva with a possible virus, its carrier

    • Valentina

      You are wrong, a mask protects 80% from external factors, and accordingly gloves, if we do not wear protective equipment, we will re-infect each other. And the cry about not wearing masks is given by those who cannot supply them to us; protective equipment is always needed, and they will help us!!

    • Ivan

      Listen to a normal, smart virologist, then you will understand what kind of masks you should wear...

  5. Damir

    These masks should not be made. To nothing. They mislead people. The management is afraid of the strike; people have been driven home. Come to your senses.

    • Alla

      If you don't want to, don't like it, don't do it. It's better to be wearing a mask than not. And you jumped from a banal mask to politics. I sat at home and, out of idleness, began to fantasize about strikes.

    • Julia

      I agree with you - this is all politics in favor of power. I wouldn’t even be surprised that we are deliberately hunted down so that strong and strong slaves can work

    • Nikolay

      Better to be isolated than grounded

    • Alfred

      You are an ASSHOLE Damir. WELL, a COMPLETELY complete and paid idiot.

    • Yana

      Nonsense! On the contrary, the virus will not pass through the tissue; it will remain outside. You need to protect yourself!

    • Alexander

      Do you think Damir is better off without her? medical ones are not much better; they have the same fabric and no filter. The virus fraction 19 is larger than the others, so the probability of remaining on the fabric is high, and no one bothers you to put in a liner of cotton wool and gauze, but its absence at all gives a 100% guarantee of infection either to you or from you to others.

    • Anatoly

      You're a fool Damir

    • Eugene

      Damir is a moron, a good combination to rhyme. What kind of strikes can a moron talk about? First of all, go and work in production for a day, understand what it is, and then you can go on strike.

    • Catherine

      Yeah, right across the country the government is afraid of strikes!!!!

    • Ivan

      One word, Damir

  6. Rimma

    We survived...But we supplied everyone...And for ourselves, as always, NO MASKS!!!

    • Elena

      it was always like this, first by him and then by himself

    • Yana

      Okay to lament! Delov! We sat down and sewed!

    • Marina

      For this reason they supplied China with planes with masks!!! But there are no masks for our own people! What can you call this?? Instead of making supplies for their people, they supplied the whole world! Super government! It protects us! Ugh

    • Aida

      This is true! Do we want to appease someone? We will never be good to anyone.
      How many of our own people live in poverty?

    • Eugene

      Rima, are you a provocateur? Pop Gapon is crying.

    • Lisa

      Yes, China has already returned masks to us tenfold. And there are not enough of them all over the world, so there is no need to whine, but we need to help solve common problems.

  7. Louise

    Yesterday on TV on the NTV channel I heard that Russia sent masks, tents for coronavirus patients and various tools to the USA to fight this disease. The USA is such a rich country and we are sending it there. And we, ordinary Russians, are sitting and waiting out this disease, each in our own apartment Don't we need help? We would like to be cured of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and tonsillitis, but here is coronavirus. Entrepreneurs who own pharmacy businesses are raising prices for medicines, taking advantage of the opportunity to get rich from diseases. Why should we, ordinary citizens of Russia, help? We need to help America! I don’t understand what country I live in?!

    • Some guy

      So, excuse me, you are complaining publicly here, and it doesn’t bother you at all. What benefit do you personally bring to those who read you and to the world around you?
      And who, personally, is stopping you from buying these masks, standing at the metro, for example, and selling them at human prices? No one. But, excuse me, you don’t want to strain yourself once again, and you broadcast your envy and resentment into society, engaging in demoralization.
      If our grandfathers and grandmothers had behaved like you during the war, we would not be living in Russia now.
      Instead of complaining here, try to do something, earn yourself some money. Everyone will benefit from this, both you personally and the society around you.

    • Trofim

      Why be surprised they all have dual citizenship and relatives live there, so they help their second noble homeland

    • Marina

      Louise, it's a shame to cry! Our military doctors are working in Italy! We think about everyone, motherfucker, but when will you think about your own people?? These fucking masks should be given out for free, and not let pharmacists fill their pockets with this! When sanctions were imposed against us, no one was worried about Russia, but Russia should kiss everyone’s ass, but simply doesn’t care about its own!

    • Gasanov

      Putin sold masks to Americans and others say help

    • Elena

      There is no need to choose just anyone.

    • Eugene

      And what? Should I have sent you from your apartment on the next flight to America? Yes, Russia didn’t notice, at least there would be one less idiot!

    • Neighbour.


  8. Martha

    That’s right, a mask won’t save you, but you won’t infect if others are sick. Damir is right, they are fooling us so that we can vote for the amendments, against ourselves. We must vote for us and against ALL AMENDMENTS, think about the children!!! You can’t use email only in person and everyone is obligated to

    • Tatiana

      Martha, which amendment do you disagree with?

    • Gasanov

      for example, I don’t agree to touch the Soviet constitution and that’s it

    • reader

      Anyone who thinks to ward off the virus with a mask didn’t study biology at school!!!

    • Eugene

      look who stands up for the Russian people - Damir, Marta, Gasanov, Louise, Aida, Yana, Rimma, Yana, Alfred, etc. all Russian names! Gasanov, you really distinguished yourself - wake up, there is no Soviet constitution since the 90s. You better You signed up right away, you moron, and everyone would have understood you.

  9. Galina

    It’s a shame that in our province, since the beginning of the disease, there has NOT BEEN AND NOT APPEARED IN pharmacies!!! no masks or disinfectants! And we ship to Italy to the USA .. And the situation has not changed for the better!! NOT AVAILABLE!! So people have to somehow try to protect themselves and their loved ones...They actually sent me a video on how you can insert a panty liner inside this mask by pouring a few drops of fir oil or propolis.. We have to survive!!

    • Nana

      Business then? Imagine going to the front as a nurse, is it fun? Nothing can take us! Do not disgrace your ancestors—the warriors of Victory—by whining!

    • Valentina

      It’s like people, you’ve gone crazy, whining about the fact that there are no masks, there are so many offers to make a mask even without threads, and you’re creating a problem! Of course, it’s easier - you take it and put it on ready-made, but you yourself are weak, otherwise the masters will scratch with their tongues, but try it with your hands, take it and do it!!! Whiners!!!

  10. Nikolay

    I did it even faster in probably 30 seconds
    Folded a piece of thick cotton rag four times
    Using scissors, I loosened a piece of wide bandage rubber into noodles.
    And I stapled the ends to the corners of the rags
    So, to reassure himself, he’ll run to the store

    • Valentina

      Well done, what can I say! I have to sit in a mask and face shields all day at work, I’m not whining, I have to, I mean I have to.

  11. Sergey

    Yes, we send everything from left to right, as always, it’s a show, and let our own people die; it will be easier for them to survive,,,, why do we need such power, that’s all the answers

    • Lydia

      Martha, only the stupid are against the amendments, this time. Second, is this infection only with us? You need to think with your brains, if you have them.

    • Yana

      Yes, in America they gave doctors one mask each in hospitals, that’s it! They said iron it at home, but it’s not cotton. It's worse there! People are losing their jobs, and therefore their insurance! No help. Be glad you live here! And there is no need to blame anyone - look at yourself



    • Yana

      Well done!

    • cat

      How I did it.

    • Sasha

      Government, Masks - protective equipment, honey. devices (ventilators) - abroad and help free of charge, VKS aircraft - these are billions.And the Russians, with their deposits in banks at 13%, quietly cover the costs.

  13. Zh.V.

    For those who have a gas mask, this is protection; after returning home, treat with 70-95 alcohol.

  14. Lena Kiska

    But there were no masks in pharmacies

    • Nana

      Business then? Imagine going to the front as a nurse, is it fun? Nothing can take us! Do not disgrace your ancestors—the warriors of Victory—by whining!

  15. Alexander

    This garbage needs to be sent to the USA, Italy, Venezuela!!! And return masks, gloves, antiseptics to our hospitals and pharmacies! We are no worse than foreigners!!!

    • Svetlana

      Let them sew their own masks in the USA, otherwise they are used to everything ready-made, but in Russia people are cunning when it comes to inventions

    • Aida



    729 PIECES

  17. Sveta

    When will the government finally think and care about us Russians, all the medicines, masks, everything is sent in KAMAZ columns to America, Italy, anywhere but to its own Russians in Kirov, in general, neither masks nor septic tanks have arrived in pharmacies for 4 weeks, why do we need such a government? which takes from us to help abroad

    • Nana

      Well, what kind of panic? Vodka in bulk - here is the septic tank, whiteness - bleach is in the Rainbow Smile, I sewed masks myself and for the neighbors. So why is everyone whining??

    • Nat

      Anyone who disagrees is a provocateur. Fuck... Be silent, pretend that we are all at the same time

  18. Alexei

    Ruslan wrote correctly, all these homemade masks only save you from dust, but not from viruses. These are placebos, and their only benefit is that they give a feeling of security, albeit a false one. There is no protection, but my nerves are fine and I have something to do at home.

  19. Irina

    We RUSSIANS are inventive and will cope with all difficulties, and whoever doesn’t like it in Russia, no one is tied here. Go to America and Europe

    • Nana


  20. Elena

    U nas v Germanii tozshe net ni masok,net dazshe muki i makaron v magazinah,sidim doma i sobludaem spokoistvie,pokupaem konservu,zapakovannue bulochki,sladosti i vodu s koloi raz v nedelu i prodolzshaem zshit i tak vo vsem mire,nikto ne buntuet, pomogaem starikam i bolnum,nuzshna v pervuu ochered solidarnost i ponimanie situazii,vsem zdorovija

  21. Elena

    Rebjata,s maskami vezde naprjag,dazshe v bolnizah i ne tolko u vas v Rossii, poverte,vsem zshelau zdorovija

    • Gasanov

      come to us and you will sew masks in a private shop

    • Irina

      Thank you for your kind words and hang in there! We have food again, we’re just overwhelmed, especially buckwheat. There are 2.5 people in the store, the distance at the checkout is 2 meters. Only the homeless do not lose heart, they go joyfully to buy alcohol, because the city is extinct and they now have freedom.

    • Nana

      Be healthy, dear!

  22. Tatiana

    Aid to America was not donated, but sold, including ventilators. And masks have a placebo effect.

    • Valeron

      Half price

    • Alexander

      Ventilators. in Russia, not all regions have them; if they do, they are old and finished. We need to help, but from the beginning he will take care of his people, Who tested us. especially in the regions, there are not even tests

  23. Nikolay

    Good evening everyone, it’s difficult for you to sew a mask, but for yourself, for your health, there are still some discussions.

    • Nana


    • Alexander

      People are right, masks should be for everyone, just like the sky, without “why”

  24. Sergey

    A mask, even a homemade one, will prevent your droplet-air mixture from scattering when talking to a bee or coughing. In China they even beat those who did not wear masks because they put others in danger.

  25. Anna

    The virus is smaller than a bacterium, does not live on its own, it needs a carrier. And masks are bullshit. We use money, and there is not always a chance to wash it.They made up their own minds, but there is no vaccine. Well, or yes, but not about our honor

    • Sabrina

      That's right!

  26. Mikhail Dulenko

    Masks, like gas masks, are different. These differences lie in the EFFICIENCY of their use... PPE (personal protective equipment) has its own purpose and certification.

  27. Mikhail Dulenko

    in short, purity-en.htgetrid.com listen to your elders, who from childhood taught us not only to wash our hands, but also not to litter our heads...

  28. Woman

    But in Italy and the USA they don’t pay for staying at home and taking sick leave, so they’re unhappy x please shut up

    • killer whale

      Most of us receive the minimum wage officially, and they will pay it.

    • Alexander

      And in Russia, only government employees will be paid, and those who work for private owners will not be paid, and they don’t care about the Government. - This is the answer for Women who are scribblers.

  29. Galina

    America is a poor country, it needs masks and everything else, and you sigh

  30. Gasanov

    I answer the woman. We have everything. Subsoil, forests, water resources, minerals are public, but in Italy and America they are private, which is why, since quarantine has been announced, the state must pay. Watch and listen to Doctor of Historical Sciences N.N. Platoshkin.

    • Cat

      Your Platoshkin has been on the State Department’s payroll for a long time.

  31. Venus

    Great, because you need to visit the store and go to the hospital. Smart girl!

    • Sabrina

      Yeah, visit and pick up something there

  32. Sabrina

    Lord, 2000 people have become infected throughout the Russian Federation and panic has been created by masks and antiseptics. They don’t count how many people die from the regular flu, but here’s a virus. What about other diseases? They've gone completely crazy - everyone has to go to work!

  33. Sabrina

    Yes!!! Shoot everyone who does not care about their people and sends planes to other countries. But in villages and villages it is not possible to donate fluoride and blood for months, there are no reagents, let’s ask America for reagents,

  34. Rlk

    According to statistics, these are those who were caught and tested.How many more are unidentified? Quarantine is designed to identify them. In Russia, approximately 4 people die from the virus per day, which makes 120 per month? If Russia gets by with 120 victims and only one month of quarantine, this will be our victory. Provided that quarantine is strictly observed and there is no contact at a distance of less than 2 meters. And provided there are no people who don’t give a damn and deny the mortality and prevalence of the disease. See the statistics for Italy and the USA for yourself.

  35. GESH

    The napkins are 24 x 24 cm, the slits don’t reach the ears…. Not a damn thing is working! Maybe you can make a mask out of FOUR napkins? A?! Or do you have overseas napkins of a different size?...

  36. Cat


  37. Igor

    You need to hamster less. Then the mask will fit :)

  38. Siberian

    Healthy again A.
    As always, the goods went to the USA and Italy, and we sew ourselves.
    “I love my Motherland, but I hate the state”
    ©A. Rosenbaum

    • Alexander

      Siberian. I support - I also love our Motherland Russia. But the government led by Putin is his associates (friends, billionaires - VKS. Russian Guard, police, security forces) - this is their state - but not the people of Russia - this is my opinion after the pension reform. The pensions of the military, police, and security forces were not increased; only their salaries were increased, if they were affected like everyone else who would break up strikes; everything was thought out. The enterprises are all private - they pay as they want - people work for the master for pennies. Artists are also earning good money now, so they are campaigning for the government. Now, on the sly, the treasury can be replenished with 13% from bank deposits, something like this can be invented every month. In summer with berries and mushrooms. fishing can also be taken from citizens.

  39. Anastasia

    You fool Hasanov! You would have been in Stalin's time. I wish I could shut up. Russia has never lived better than now, under any government.Those who are dissatisfied with everything can always move on. And as far as possible. So far, no one in the world has better means and strength than Russia. Moreover, they want to pay you to sit on the sofa. So you sit on the sofa, dissatisfied, silently, with your mouth shut. And if you have friends or relatives in Italy, America, Spain, ask them what it’s like for them now. They are horrified by what is happening. Our assistance to the United States was paid for by the Americans. They helped us during the war, there were food, medicine, cars, tanks too. Their doctors are now in a very difficult situation. We can help, so we help. And in our country, ventilators are made in large quantities, we can sell them, while they are not needed in large quantities here. God forbid that you will have to use them a little. And masks are needed primarily by doctors, they are now on the front line, there are enough masks for them. But you don’t need them on the couch, you can sew them or make a non-sewn one yourself for going to a store near your home, look for advice on the Internet, there is plenty of information. Better yet, STAY AT HOME, GENTLEMEN. You will be healthier!

    • Albina.

      Well done, Anastasia, a correct and laconic answer to all whiners and demagogues!

    • Zhanna

      Anastasia, I completely agree with you. It’s just that we’re all greedy, man is designed in such a way that he will always be dissatisfied with something, no matter what power there is. Did we really live better in the 90s, have we already forgotten empty shelves in stores, banditry, police brutality, robberies and murders? There is no better way for us to fight the coronavirus and sit quietly in the house than to fight the bandits. Guys, our people cannot be defeated, and the main thing is not to panic. The worst thing in any war is panic. Perhaps our enemies want to take advantage of this. We must show the whole world that we are a Power and without us everything is lost! Hooray! For the Motherland, for Putin!

  40. Anastasia

    Gesha! Stores sell disposable fabric towels; fold 3 pieces in the middle from the sides on both sides, make cuts to the edges from the middle about 2 cm wide and 3-4 long. These will be ear holders. When you turn the canvas three layers thick, they will appear in the middle of the rectangle. Fold the edges of this *"blanket" together so that the hook holders are in the middle of the resulting narrow rectangle. Find on the Internet. It takes no more than 5-7 seconds to make. The mask is ready-made, three-layer, and can protect against splashes from sneezing and talking; the blue ones on sale are unlikely to protect more. It’s better not to come closer than two meters to other people, either in a store or on the street.

    • Valentina

      Yes, you are right, you need to make a mask from household towels or napkins, it’s very simple!

  41. Albina.

    Well done Anastasia, a good and concise answer to all the whiners...and demagogues!
    Source: https://purity-en.htgetrid.com/sovety/maska-iz-salfetok.html?utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fzen.yandex.com

  42. Olga

    In our city in the Saratov region. Balakovo masks are sold from private cars for 200/400 rubles. PC. Nobody controls them, they line their pockets, distance is not maintained in stores, everything is littered with garbage, the governor doesn’t care about us, there are no volunteers for the elderly and disabled, this is Moscow, it’s a different state there, and people from other regions don’t care.

    • Lyudmila

      Olga, should the governor also keep a distance for you? And the governor probably scattered all the garbage on the streets?

  43. Alexander

    Can I help somehow?

  44. Svetlana

    You can put on several masks at the same time... besides, the pharmacist said that 8 layers of gauze will protect against the virus

  45. Hillock

    Do you know what will happen in 5 years? If not, then write, I’ll tell you everything

  46. Alexei

    friends, we are Christians, it is written that everyone does not care about themselves, but about others, or blessed is he who thinks about the poor (who is in trouble) on the day of disaster, God will help him, humanitarian aid, a good deed, the evil ones do not agree with him, I don’t have to answer, I’m leaving the evil page

  47. Alexander

    Hi all

  48. Yuri

    I watched the program Leomas 24 and was completely shocked when masks were sold at 360 rubles for 3 pieces, it was a complete robbery

  49. Truth

    all of the above described current impression, the majority are still in kindergarten, there is no corona virus, there are no morons, they want to give you cancer and so that you are in this position and move around for the rest of your life in the shops of shit you buy com services fucking prices, our children don’t get an education even for your money sheep, we'll go there and go to medicine and shit, only to pharmacies, they send you from the hospital, in short, if you don't want our children and grandchildren to live, sit and continue on the Internet. Better yet, let’s come to an agreement and put them in this position for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

    • Olga

      Then explain why people are dying in the hundreds in Italy, Spain, and the USA? Why do people in Moscow get sick?

  50. Truth

    and they also want to destroy small businesses and leave only online ones.

  51. Truth

    But we don’t have masks, and we don’t need them; we need to wear a gas mask and a chemical protection suit to protect ourselves from the virus.

  52. Olga

    After wearing this mask, your face will itch terribly within half an hour. You need to wash your face. Allergy sufferers and healthy people should not wear them.

  53. Elena

    I am also outraged by the chaos that is happening here. All, well, or almost all (I'm sure) governors lie. And they don’t care about us, ordinary people. If they report that we have 250 ventilators, but in reality it’s good if we have 100 workers... But we report that everything is fine with us. And this is for the region.When the time comes to help a seriously ill patient, the doctors say correctly - are we Gods to decide who lives and who dies, if there is only 1 device in the hospital for the entire region? I wouldn’t want to be in this role... But the fact that there are no hand sanitizers is a shame... They are needed not at home, but outside the house, where I can’t wash my hands with soap... And all these do-it-yourself recipes ... this is crap, because there is no alcohol or glycerin anywhere, and you have to run around looking for peroxide (it’s been about 3 weeks now, probably). And where is our government? What does it wash and treat its hands with? I didn’t have time to buy any of this, because until recently I worked from morning to evening, and when everything started to go, it was already too late... And I didn’t think that we simply wouldn’t have all this, it turns out that it will end... That’s somehow So…

  54. Oleg

    It's a complete mess. But we are lucky that not so many people wander around Europe, however, this was not because of a good life. As they say, “there was no happiness, but misfortune helped.” I believe that the reindeer herder Berdyev generally looks at what is happening from his taiga with interest, and with misunderstanding, and with joy that the helicopter is not flying towards him. So we, being on the very outskirts of the world market economy, were the winners at first, however, I think that it is the second part of the “Marlezon ballet” that will cover us. Not a virus. And total unemployment. The virus will beat the “European “plankton”, which we have been very jealous of for 30 years in a row. And for us: in Voronezh, Syktyvkar and Ukhta, total lack of money will finish us off. It’s scary to imagine that 1991 or two could happen again. Like in the movies, but with a transition from capitalist rails to some kind of “heavenly” ones, because there were already socialist ones.

  55. Tatoshka

    I did...it’s impossible to breathe...air doesn’t pass through. Wear it yourself...

  56. Svyatoslav

    what to make a mask from

  57. Phil

    Zhanna is a shame for the State! For the Motherland, yes, I love the Motherland! no for Putin and his entourage!!!
    United Russia has long lost its relevance as a party name. It does not unite the people, it creates a gap between the people and the authorities. A person who thinks differently from its current representatives cannot be a member of the party. This is not a party of the people, but of the authorities and the rich...Strength is in truth Brother! and while they are in power, don’t expect anything good.

  58. Ioan

    Vote for Putin and amending the Constitution! Support United Russia! Hooray! I approve of the policy of the party and government! There are no masks - but you hold on!

  59. Ioan

    I approve of raising gas and food prices! Raising the retirement age - I approve! I also approve of helping decaying capitalists! Hooray! Let's hit the impassability and sloppiness by raising prices on everything!

  60. Ioan

    Women of Russia! Give birth more and more! Organize social fertility competitions locally! Support the policy of the party and government to increase the birth rate!

  61. Tamara

    I wish everyone good health

  62. Nikola Pitersky

    Masks and fins must always be available

  63. Medical mask

    I will not protect you, never trust the Internet, it says the wrong things!!! ☺

  64. Boris

    Great ! But sleeves make T-shirts not bad either! Try it - the inside is also made from household napkins, and the sleeve can be washed, if not a bummer!!!!!

  65. Igor

    What nonsense! You need to throw away all the special protective suits and just wrap yourself in a towel. Is it possible that while cleaning the kitchen, you accidentally cleaned your brain? A cloth will protect you from bacteria (((Although....the more such smart people get sick, the more (one hopes) they will become wiser

  66. Galina

    People. Haven’t you played “Zarnitsa” where they taught you how to make a face mask from improvised materials in the field. Why spend money on a quarantine mask.Quarantine is not forever. To save money, take a wide bandage, measure the circumference of your head, fold it into 3 layers and cut the edges in the middle at both ends to the length of the distance from the ears to the back of the head. And please, a mask for all sizes. The 2nd type is a headscarf and you tie it with the center on your face and tie the corners at the back of your head, and tuck the central corner into the collar of your clothes. Or you put on a summer turtleneck sweater, straighten the collar and pull it up to the eyes. Why sew something that is not often needed.

  67. valentine

    you're lying!!!

  68. valentine

    and I took waterproof diapers for children, there are also ones for adults, I removed the airless layer, and from the second I sewed masks………there is also a thin layer of cotton wool. It turned out great………you can breathe………comfortably. Try someone who has them somewhere!

  69. Lyudmila

    Listen to the virologists! The virus is so small that a mask is not a hindrance to it. They fool people by forcing them to wear muzzles. What microbiologists advise is to rinse your nose with salt water. Death to any infection.

  70. Love

    It will help, it won’t help….aren’t you tired? What’s better? Go and fear that someone will suddenly sneeze or drool... Is it so difficult to put on masks for everyone? Loafers...no masks, no masks...yes, use any fabric just like in the video...the Chinese are all wearing masks...

  71. Ivan

    I'm sorry, of course, but these masks are dummy. Honey masks are just honey masks because they are made specially. They chose the material, etc. and these masks are just fabric and are all dummy

  72. Alexei

    Many argue that the virus is very small, and the holes in the tissue are very large. But the virus does not fly through the air by itself, but only in droplets. The mask can protect against both incoming and escaping droplets, you just need to protect your eyes.
    And once again about the size of the holes for those who know biology too well.If, for example, there is chlorine in the air, then, of course, only a gas mask can save you, but imagine, a simple mask even protects against radiation. Just protecting from dust.


