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Urgently on a date: how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth and hands?

How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth? This question worries not only ordinary people, but also scientists. Several studies have been conducted on this matter. It was possible to find out that 4 products cope best with the consequences of consuming the spice: milk, apples, lettuce and mint. We have collected the best recipes for garlic plume, received from scientists, dentists and ordinary people. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Bad breath

Garlic smell and research

Scientists have found that the smell of garlic can haunt a person for 72 hours after eating the piquant cloves. The sulfur compounds diallyl disulfide and allicin are to blame. In the body, under the action of enzymes, they are converted into odorous substances. Then through the gastric mucosa they enter the blood, and then into the lungs and other organs. The molecules spread literally everywhere and are released when you breathe, sweat, urinate, etc. This is why it is so difficult to get rid of garlic trail by simply brushing your teeth. It is caused not by food debris, but by chemical processes occurring inside.

How then to fight it? Scientists at Ohio State University, and in particular Cheryl Berringer, set out to answer the question.

Apples and mint

Experimentally, it was possible to find several products that can neutralize odorous compounds:

  1. A glass of full-fat milk removes 50% of the garlic odor.
  2. Fresh peppermint copes with this task a little worse.
  3. Apples can also make your breath fresher.
  4. Scientists put lettuce leaves in fourth place.

The test subjects had to eat a lot of garlic before neutralizing foods were found. During the experiments, they breathed into a device - a mass spectrometer, which isolated the molecules in their breath.

According to one of the main versions, phenolic compounds in products help remove the garlic smell. Although the phenols in green tea had no effect on the aroma.

Woman eating garlic

How to deal with unpleasant odor?

While research continues, people are coming up with their own ways to combat garlic breath. Many of them are quite effective and are passed on from generation to generation.

But before we move on to the recipes, here are some general tips. How to eat garlic without smelling it?

  1. Eat the garlic dish first and then move on to the main meal. An abundance of other food will cover up the unpleasant aroma.
  2. Wash down the garlic treat with hot tea. When heated, the odorous substances in garlic are partially destroyed.
  3. Immediately after eating, brush your teeth and tongue. If pieces of garlic remain in your teeth, fighting the smell will be useless. Therefore, first hygiene, and then folk remedies.

Girl with a sprig of parsley

Removing bad breath

To neutralize the garlic aroma, use different products and seasonings.

13 folk recipes for the smell of garlic on your breath:

  1. Place a sprig of fresh parsley in your mouth. Chew it slowly for 5 minutes.
  2. Hold a piece of fresh ginger in your mouth.
  3. Chew a sprig of fresh mint. Spit out the pulp and repeat the intake 2-3 times.
  4. Eat a slice of lemon, or better yet, a teaspoon of lemon zest.
  5. Cut fruits: apples, pears, peaches. In total you should get 200 g of slices. Eat it with tea and lemon.
  6. The juicy pulp of plums, apricots, and tangerines also helps remove the pungent odor from the mouth.
  7. Drink a glass of homemade cow's milk. The effect will be enhanced if you drink it in small sips.
  8. Milk against garlic odor

  9. Place a cardamom seed in your mouth, bite it, and then hold it under your tongue for 5 minutes.
  10. Slowly chew a handful of walnuts or pine nuts. Spit out the pulp and take a fresh handful if necessary.
  11. Spices - cloves, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg - effectively eliminate the garlic smell. You can hold them in your mouth, add them to tea or some dish.
  12. Make a rinse solution from 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt and 150 ml of water.
  13. If you have mustard beans in the house, use it. A few bitten grains will quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth.
  14. Mix equal amounts of herbs: chamomile, mint, calendula, sage, St. John's wort and thyme. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes, cool, strain and rinse your mouth.

Coffee hand scrub

Removing garlic aroma from hands

Getting rid of the smell of garlic on your hands is much easier than removing it from your mouth. In most cases, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with soap and hot water. Particular attention should be paid to the space under the nails.

If the aroma is still audible, well-known folk remedies will help:

  • Soap with coffee beans. Grind the coffee beans using a coffee grinder. Mix half a teaspoon of ground grain with a tablespoon of liquid soap. Lather your hands and massage them for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The skin will become soft and pleasantly smelling. The fact is that coffee perfectly removes odors, and also acts as a scrub and removes stubborn garlic juice.
  • Old-fashioned method. Previously, to remove the aroma of garlic from hands, they used an ordinary steel tablespoon. You need to rub it on the areas that smell bad. The spoon should be clean and dry. You can also use any stainless steel cutlery and utensils: knives, pots, ladles.

For the future, before you pick up the garlic, brush them with butter. Then the juice will not be absorbed into the skin and can be easily washed off with running water.

Girl using mouthwash

Rinse aids

Dentists recommend that lovers of spicy dishes with garlic always have mouthwash with them. This is an excellent hygiene product that prevents gum and tooth diseases. The rinse aid also effectively removes unpleasant odors. The essential oils in the composition neutralize the sulfur compounds in garlic.

List of recommended rinses:

  • Listerine;
  • Splat Complete;
  • ORAL-B.

Fragrant garlic adds piquancy to dishes. It is also beneficial during cold and flu season. But the smell that is then heard from the mouth makes many people stop using it. And completely in vain. There are many ways to deal with the characteristic train. After the garlic dish, eat an apple, brush your teeth, and apply mouthwash. Then no one will guess what you just ate.

Do you like garlic? Tell us how you deal with unpleasant odor.


