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Successful Trinity: 7 things you need to do before Trinity at your dacha

It is believed that on Trinity Sunday the Holy Spirit descends to the earth and the Earth is born anew. My grandfather was a superstitious person, and he said that since Saturday all the people left the field. Nobody worked on holiday. Garden work was often abandoned for the entire week. Before Trinity, we tried to get 7 important things done. Since last year, I also adhere to this tradition. I noticed that everything at the dacha is fragrant, and the soil will give birth even without fertilizers.

Icon of the Holy Trinity in the church

Long tradition

Trinity is a Christian holiday. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended on earth, and the apostles spoke in different languages. They spread Christianity. That’s why the birthday of the Church is also celebrated on Trinity Sunday. On holiday, the house is decorated with green branches. Believers are prohibited from working. They go to church, pray and rejoice.

The simple peasant people formed their own vision of the holiday. Peasants celebrated Trinity Day from Saturday evening to Tuesday, and sometimes throughout the week. It was believed that during this period the Earth was pregnant with a new harvest. You can't disturb her. You can damage what you planted, even if you just drive a peg into the ground.

From time immemorial, before Trinity, they tried to complete all the most important garden tasks.

After that, work stopped for a week. Then they didn’t plant anything, but only looked after the seedlings, collected Colorado potato beetles, and watered the plantings occasionally.

When is Trinity this year?

Trinity Day is celebrated on different days every year. The date of celebration depends on Easter. 50 days are counted from it.In 2021, Trinity Sunday falls on June 20th. In general, the earliest Trinity Sunday occurs on May 23, and the latest on June 26.

7 things to do before Trinity

Roughly speaking, Trinity falls in the first month of summer. Here in the Moscow region it is quite possible to plant everything by this time. The exception is seedlings. But I’m gradually moving away from the seedling method. Last year I conducted an experiment: I planted some tomatoes with seeds in the ground (in April), and left some for seedlings. The seeds were from the same manufacturer. I planted the seedlings after Trinity. The difference between the bushes was significant.

Fewer seeds sprouted in the ground, but the seedlings grew strong. The tomatoes didn't get sick. From one bush I collected 5 kilos of tomatoes, no less. But the seedlings partially died out after transplantation. The bushes either hurt or simply withered away. There were fewer fruits, and they ripened 2 weeks later.

Beautiful celebration of Trinity

The to-do list is not limited to planting vegetables. I try to do my best before Trinity.

Plant vegetables

Trinity Sunday is late this year, so those who like to plant seedlings can relax. I planted vegetables and seeds in the ground. I chose a time when it was warmed up but still damp. Growing in my dacha:

  • carrot;
  • onions, dill, parsley and other greens;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • White cabbage;
  • zucchini and squash;
  • melons;
  • pumpkin;
  • pepper.

Planting vegetables

During cold weather, I cover heat-loving crops with spandbond. In a good way, we should put together a greenhouse for them. Then there will be less hassle.

Tidy up the bushes

Before Trinity, I propagate raspberries, currants and gooseberries. I bend a strong branch to the ground and dig it in. By the end of summer, seedlings grow from it, which I replant next year. I trim the dried inflorescences of faded bushes and trim the green hedge.I try to restore order everywhere and everywhere.

Shrub pruning

Prepare compost

I am against any chemicals in the garden. I fertilize vegetables and strawberries only with organic matter. I try to fill the compost bin before Trinity. I put gravel drainage at the bottom. Then I throw in grass clippings and weeds, leftover fruits and vegetables, cardboard boxes, and trimmed branches.

Making compost

Mulch the plantings

After Trinity the real heat will begin. All water from the ground will instantly evaporate. In order not to come to the dacha in the middle of the week for watering, I now mulch the beds. I also spread the mulch into the tree trunks. For mulching, I use everything I can get: hay, manure, half-rotted compost, peat, sawdust. The soil under the mulch remains moist and loose for a long time.

Mulching plants

Whitewash the trees

I paint the trees with lime three times: in March, May and October. If in March whitewashing saves you from bugs and various parasites, then in May it is needed to prevent cracks from appearing on the bark. The white color reflects the sun's rays and prevents it from overheating. I'm trying to whiten the trees before Trinity. Then it may already be too late. The sun becomes very bright.

Whitewashing trees before Trinity

Make bird repellers

When the first strawberries appear, I take out from the utility room a stuffed animal made from plastic bottles and New Year’s ribbons. Many years ago my daughter made it for me. But one stuffed animal is not enough for a large area. Soon the strawberries will be followed by cherries, which birds peck with particular passion.

Bird repellers made from jars

This year I made scarers from tin cans and pebbles before Trinity:

  1. I made a hole in the bottom of the tin can and stretched the string.
  2. Tied a knot.
  3. I tied a stone a little lower.
  4. Hung it on cherries and cherries.
  5. The can sways and rumbles in the wind.

Birds do not approach trees.

Plant a flower garden

My wife was inspired to make a beautiful flower bed that would bloom all summer. I have already planted tulips, irises, peonies, asters, marigolds, chrysanthemums, nasturtiums. Before Trinity in June, he will also plant daisies, forget-me-nots, mallow, petunias and Turkish carnations.

Flowerbed with flowers

You cannot be lazy before the Trinity. This is the most fruitful time. As you work until Trinity, you will eat. With age comes the understanding that our ancestors were not as stupid and uneducated as they seemed in their youth. I’m reviving long-standing traditions, and I’m already seeing the results.

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