Dishes with broken edges - why doesn’t it belong at home?
People believe that dishes with broken edges should not be stored at home - this can attract misfortune. However, a broken cup promises a date for an unmarried girl, and career growth for a young man. Where did this paradox come from?
Let's go back to history
Our ancestors passed on the sign of broken dishes: for the Slavs, a clay pot was a symbol of prosperity, because food was stored in it. He was associated with the pagan god Yarila, who embodied the sun, and whoever broke the pot incurred his wrath.
It is curious that the same action was associated with a ritual that had the opposite energy: the ancient Slavs broke a pot at a wedding, believing that this promised the young couple a life of harmony and love. The custom has survived to this day - however, the pot was replaced by a plate. The matter is not limited to the wedding table - breaking into fragments, a glass vase, according to legend, brings seven years of good luck to its owner.
On the contrary, storing dishes with broken edges at home is a very bad omen. It was believed that evil spirits settled in the cracks, poisoning the food and, over time, the lives of all the inhabitants of the house. Quarrels arise in the family, the health of household members weakens, and minor failures constantly occur.
The ancients believed that cracks did not appear on their own. This means that the object has already accumulated so much bad in itself that it cannot withstand it and breaks, and evil, which likes sharp corners, happily settles in the resulting chips. Offering food to the gods in a cracked container was equated with a grave sin.
Assortment of superstitions
There are many signs according to which you should not store chipped dishes, so as not to cause trouble. Beliefs describe a variety of situations and can tell what awaits a person who inadvertently encounters them:
- if a plate cracks for no reason, bad news, money loans, defeats await you;
- if there are many small cracks in the plate, small useless expenses await you;
- if there is a chip on the plate, you will lose a large sum or something valuable;
- if a crack appears in the cup, your significant other will cheat on you or your work partner will betray you;
- if a network of cracks has formed in the cup, there are financial problems;
- if a piece breaks off from the cup, a quarrel will occur between the spouses;
- if the cutlery is bent (for example, the teeth of a fork are narrowed) - there will be discord in the family;
- if a frying pan or pan is dented, difficulties with trust and problems in mutual understanding are coming;
- if a chip or crack hits the glass, you will experience a loss of strength and loss of inspiration.
In everyday life, people often interact with dishes, so many superstitions are associated with them.
- A plate as a gift promises bad luck for both the recipient and the giver. To prevent the omen from coming true, the cup should not be given empty, but filled with fruits or sweets.
- The situation is similar with someone else’s dishes in your home - according to legend, they attract financial difficulties. It is better to return a borrowed or forgotten plate as soon as possible, but under no circumstances should it be returned dirty or empty.
- New dishes should be sprinkled with salt to attract good luck and sugar to attract abundance. You can’t put it on the table right away; it is believed that this will have a bad effect on the well-being of the family.
How to avoid trouble?
If the dishes in the house begin to break too often, you should be wary: perhaps someone has cast the evil eye on you. Not only ill-wishers can do this - the evil eye can occur accidentally, for example, if you are praised a lot.
If you suspect something is wrong, you need to immediately get rid of all broken and chipped dishes. Under no circumstances should you throw it in the trash! All fragments and devices with chipped edges and cracks must be wrapped in a rag and taken to a place where there are no people. When performing the ritual, you should think about the good, saying to yourself that along with the bundle, everything bad leaves your life.
No matter how mystical the warnings and signs may seem, for skeptics there are no less weighty arguments - safety and hygiene. In addition to the fact that you can cut yourself with chips, bacteria accumulate in the cracks and remain there even after thorough washing. Whatever frightens you more - heavenly punishment or germs - it is better to immediately throw broken dishes into the trash bin.
My grandmother was always very worried when chips appeared on the dishes. And she immediately took her out of the house. I couldn't understand why she was so worried. But now I myself don’t use dishes with chips, I don’t know how accurate the signs are. But germs definitely accumulate there.