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How to make a wish for the New Year - 6 most popular ways

Special rituals help you make a wish on New Year’s Eve so that it definitely comes true. It is not known who invented them and what their power is based on, but there are many people in the world who in such a magical way were able to fulfill their dream, or even more than one. We bring to your attention a selection of the six most popular ways to make your dreams come true.

Woman writing down plans for the new year

Method 1. Visualization

This option is well suited for those who want to receive something material as a gift from fate. On New Year's Eve, closer to midnight, you should light a candle and, looking at its flame, imagine the desired object - it should be exactly the same as what will later appear before a person in reality. For example, if a person dreams of a blue Land Cruiser, then this is exactly how he should draw it in his fantasy. It doesn’t hurt to visualize additional benefits at the same time - in this case, these will be a garage, a set of winter tires and fuel cards.

For your wish to come true, you need to include yourself in the visualization - imagine yourself driving or in a car showroom while signing a contract.

If there is no candle or the person is in a place where it cannot be lit, any other source of fire will do - a lighter, a fire, or even a gas stove.

Burning a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year

Method 2. The power of fire

This method is used by most residents of the CIS. On New Year's Eve they perform a simple and familiar ritual:

  1. When the chimes begin to strike, they write their wish on a small piece of paper.
  2. Burn the note with a candle.
  3. The ashes are thrown into a glass of champagne and drunk to the bottom.

The main condition is to do everything before the last, twelfth strike of the clock sounds.

New Year's wish card

Method 3. New Year's wish card

To use this method, you need to prepare in advance whatman paper, glue, scissors and old magazines that contain images of what a person would like to realize in his life. If you don’t have magazines or don’t want to spoil them, you can find pictures on the Internet and print them on a color printer. Another option is to draw the desired items on separate pieces of paper. You can also buy stickers, but to find everything you need, you will have to go to more than one stationery store, so magazines are still the best solution.

After the new year begins, that is, when the clock strikes 12 times, you can begin to create a wish map. There is nothing complicated about this - just divide the pictures into thematic groups and stick them on whatman paper one by one, imagining that one or another thing already exists and the person is using it. For example, you can use your imagination to draw yourself drinking tea on the terrace of your new house.

Groups must be located on whatman paper in a certain way. If you divide a sheet of paper into 9 identical sectors, the diagram will look like this:

Scheme for drawing up a wish map

If desires concern only a few sectors, the free space can be filled with reinforcement pictures - for example, images of money, happy people.

The finished map should be hung in a visible place.

Stylized letter in a bottle

Method 4. Letter to fate

This option is somewhat similar to the previous one, but it works differently and is suitable only for those people who know how to draw beautifully.To realize your idea, you need paint, paper, a beautiful empty dark glass bottle with a stopper, sealing wax and red ribbon or twine.

They start writing the letter after midnight. There is no need to write anything in the literal sense of the word - in letters - you should draw your dream. You can fit several wishes on one sheet of paper at once. When everything is ready, the paper is rolled into a tube, tied with a ribbon and stuffed into a bottle, which is then plugged and sealed with wax.

For seven days the bottle is placed under the Christmas tree. It is important to ensure that no one breaks or uncorks this repository of desires - otherwise the ritual will be useless. On the eighth day the bottle is hidden in a secluded place.

When the wish comes true, they take out the bottle, open it and trace the drawing with a red pencil - this is a kind of protection from envious people and ill-wishers.

Method 5. Request to the animal - White domestic ratsymbol of the year

The symbol of 2020 is the white metal Rat. Therefore, for the ritual you will need any metal object of white or silver color (even a spoon or large screw will do), as well as clothing in appropriate shades.

After changing clothes and taking the metal thing in the hand that is the leading one, you need to walk around your house seven times. Approaching the porch, you should stop every time, knock on the steps with that very chosen thing and say, “White as snow, nimble as the wind, come, Rat, to me and help me fulfill my desire!” For the last time, the metal object is left near the porch and, without turning around, they enter the house. After this, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning - neither in person nor on the phone.

Glowing star in hands

Method 6. By zodiac sign

As you know, each of the zodiac signs belongs to one of the elements.It is she who can help in making your desires come true:

  • Fire - for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Representatives of these signs should make a wish while looking at a living flame, and then write it down on a piece of paper and read it regularly while sitting or standing near the fire.
  • Water - for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It’s good if they have the opportunity to go to a real, unfrozen body of water on New Year’s Eve. Looking at the movement of the waves, you need to say your wish out loud, and then lower an object into the water that can float - for example, a paper boat.
  • Earth - for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. If you have flowerpots at home, you can whisper your wish into a flower pot, and then bury a coin near the plant. After this, it is important not to replant the flower and not dig up money for a year.
  • Cloud figures

  • Air - for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It will be the most difficult for representatives of these signs to make a wish, since they need to “catch” a cloud in the sky whose shape resembles the desired thing. However, there is a simplified option - if it’s frosty on New Year’s Eve, you can go outside, exhale a cloud of steam from your mouth and, before it dissipates, think about your desire.

Regardless of which of these methods you choose, remember: dreams come true only if they are sincere and work for good. And the main assistant in their implementation is faith. Faith in your strength, faith in the best, faith that the new year will be much better than all the previous ones.

Write in the comments your way to make a New Year's wish so that it definitely comes true!


