“Mole” for cleaning pipes: how to use it so as not to harm yourself or the pipes?

“Mole” for cleaning pipes went on sale back in the 60s of the last century. Since then, the materials for assembling wastewater disposal systems have changed, but “Mole” is still popular because it performs its functions well.

Pipe cleaning compounds

Description and composition

“Mole” is designed to clean the walls of sewer pipes from deposits, eliminate fat plugs and unpleasant odors. The drug quickly dissolves accumulations of waste and dirt on the inner walls of the pipeline.

The composition includes the following substances:

  • caustic soda (up to 50%);
  • potassium oxide hydrate (up to 10%);
  • Surfactant (up to 10%);
  • organic acid EDTA (up to 10%)

In addition, the composition contains water, its amount is determined by the form of release. Additionally, additives are used - stabilizers and fragrances.

Composition of Mole

The basis of “Mole” is inorganic alkali, which quickly dissolves layers of dirt accumulating in pipes and siphons of the sewerage system.

The product is capable of dissolving:

  • oils and solid fats;
  • collagen fibers, including hair;
  • protein compounds.

Therefore, “Mole” can be used to clean the sewage system in the kitchen and bathroom.

Types of the drug Mole

What does the drug look like?

Despite the similar composition, the composition called “Mole” is available in different forms, so it may look different. Options:

  • Granules. The traditional form of release is granulated powder. Packaging: colored plastic bags.
  • Liquid. Already diluted, ready to use. Packaged in polyethylene bottles and canisters of various sizes.
  • Gel. Ready-to-use preparation in the form of a semi-liquid gel. This form is the most effective, as it slowly flows down the walls, dissolving deposits and cleaning the pipes well.

The appearance of the drug packaging depends on the manufacturer. Packaging volumes vary. For household use, small packages weighing 100–200 grams and bottles with a volume of 250–1000 ml are produced. For hotels, hospitals and other institutions, manufacturers package the drug in canisters of 5–10 liters and packages of dry powder weighing 1 kg. The packaging must indicate the name of the drug and provide detailed instructions for use.

Powder Mole from Cinderella

Manufacturers of "Mole" for cleaning pipes: "Cinderella", "Chimney Sweep" and others

A product called “Mole” is produced by several Russian manufacturers. One of the most famous is the Cinderella brand. It produces a drain cleaner in three different forms.

In addition, this product is produced under the following brands:

  • "Mr. Glitter";
  • "Chimney Sweep";
  • "Sana" and others.

The composition and presence of additives varies depending on the place of production, so you should read the information on the label before purchasing.

Varieties of Mole


Several types of the drug Mole are available, they differ in the amount of active ingredients. You need to choose an option depending on the degree of blockage:

  • "Professional" – the strongest option, copes with complex blockages;
  • "Assets" – inferior to the first option in terms of active substance content, less effective, but safer for pipes;
  • "Turbo" – the product is recommended for removing blockages in hard-to-reach places, for example in the elbow of a toilet pipe;
  • "Master" – a means for eliminating minor blockages and preventive treatment of pipes;
  • "Bio" – the composition includes enzymes and bacteria that effectively decompose organic matter. The product is recommended for local sewage systems and cleaning grease traps.

The correct choice of product option is a guarantee of its effectiveness. You should not buy “Mole Master” if the water does not go away at all: this product only copes with minor blockages. But if you use “Mole Master” for prevention once every 2–4 months, then the pipes will always be in good condition.

Instructions for using the pipe cleaner


Instructions for use must be printed on the packaging of the product. It must be strictly observed. Do not increase the amount of the drug or the exposure time without permission. This will not improve efficiency, but may damage the inside of the pipes.

Clearing a blockage in a pipe


If you purchased the product in the form of granules, then you need to proceed as follows:

  1. open the package;
  2. carefully pour the powder into the drain hole;
  3. pour the indicated amount of hot water there;
  4. let the drug work by waiting for the specified time;
  5. flush the system with plenty of water by simply opening the tap.

If a liquid or gel version of the product is purchased, then it is poured down the drain in the specified amount, but no water is added. Then they act in exactly the same way as in the case of using granules.

It is recommended to start cleaning the system by using more gentle products.If the effect is not obtained, then you should purchase a more concentrated version.

The Bio-Krot product should be used for the local sewage system as follows:

  1. dissolve the powder in warm water (to clean pipes up to 15 meters long, take 50 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water);
  2. pour the prepared liquid, distributing it evenly, into all drain holes of plumbing fixtures in the house - kitchen sink, bathtub, washbasins, toilet, etc.;
  3. wait the specified time, then flush the system with plenty of water.

If the blockage is serious, you will have to repeat the treatment several times until the problem is completely resolved.

For preventive cleaning of grease traps with a capacity of up to 100 liters, 100 grams of the Bio-Mole preparation are used. If a blockage has formed, then you need to increase the rate by 4 times. That is, to clean a grease trap with a volume of up to 1000 liters, you should take 400 grams of the product.

Precautionary measures

The preparation contains inorganic alkalis. This caustic product may cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, when working with the drug, the following rules must be observed:

  • ensure a flow of fresh air into the room - open the window, turn on the fan in the bathroom;
  • Before using, put on protective rubber gloves;
  • If the product gets on the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water;
  • If alkali gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately and take the victim to a doctor.

The drug is especially dangerous if swallowed. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly ensure that household chemicals are stored out of the reach of children.

If the product is swallowed, give the victim plenty of water (an adult should drink at least two liters) and call an ambulance. There is no need to induce vomiting, since the caustic substance will again burn the mucous membranes upon secondary passage through the esophagus.

Sink drain

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the availability of many other means for clearing blockages, “Mole” is in steady demand. Its advantages:

  • low cost (this is one of the most affordable products);
  • convenient use;
  • high efficiency.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  • toxicity, risk of burns upon contact with skin;
  • unpleasant smell.

“Mole” is a universal product; it can be used to clean pipes made of cast iron or modern polymer materials. When used in accordance with the instructions, the drug does not have a negative effect on pipes, fittings and connecting sleeves.

Hot tap water

Useful tips

Since the Mole product has been used for several decades, consumers have found ways to increase the effectiveness of the effect. The drug will clean pipes better if:

  • preheat the sewerage system. To do this, just open the hot water tap for 3-4 minutes. The hot water going down the drain will heat the pipes and slightly soften the sediment on their walls;
  • after the end of exposure, pour 1–2 liters of hot water into the drain and actively work with a plunger. This will more effectively destroy the sediment layer. After using the plunger, you should, as usual, flush the system with plenty of water.

So, using the inexpensive drug “Mole”, you can quickly and effectively flush pipes, eliminate blockages and unpleasant odors.The active substances will destroy the deposits, and subsequent flushing with water will wash them down the drain. The result of using the product will be the restoration of full operation of plumbing fixtures.

Have you ever had to clear blockages yourself? Which method was effective?


