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How, where and for how long can Protargol (Sialor) be stored?

Protargol or Sialor is a drug of a synthetic nature, created on the basis of proteins with silver ions, designed to suppress the activity of viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Only if you know how to store Protargol at home can you count on the positive effects of a powerful antiseptic. In this case, you will have to take into account numerous features of the chemical composition, the form of its release, and the current state of the product.


Despite the fact that Sialor is available in pharmacies not only as a solution, but also in powder form, it is not recommended to use the dry composition yourself. Only an experienced pharmacist is able to comply with all the conditions and dosages that allow you to receive exactly the drug that the doctor prescribed.

How to store Protargol after opening?

The protargol solution is so unstable in its finished form that it is usually made to order. Treatment should begin immediately after purchasing the product. It turns out that when purchasing Sialor, the patient receives an already opened bottle. To maximize the therapeutic properties from the composition and prevent side effects, you must adhere to the following rules for storing the drug:

drugs in the refrigerator

  1. The product must be kept in the refrigerator. Even if you have to use it regularly and there is a risk of forgetting about the procedure, you should not try to keep the composition in sight; it is better to come up with another reminder option.
  2. Even if the drug is constantly kept in the refrigerator, its shelf life will not exceed 10-30 days. The pharmacist will tell you exactly how long you can use the composition. This depends on the concentration of the solution and some physical factors.
  3. It is better to throw away a bottle that has been exposed to light or in a warm place for a long time, even if only a few days have passed since it was opened.
  4. You will also have to throw away the product that contains silver deposits. Even after shaking and dissolving the substance, such a substance will not give the desired effect.

Protargol solution

Advice: If, some time after the start of treatment, adverse reactions to the drug appear, this may indicate a violation of the conditions of its maintenance. You need to contact a specialist and tell them where and how Sialor is stored, and make the necessary changes in the approach. If symptoms appear after the first manipulations, you will most likely have to consider other treatment options.

Additional factors affecting product quality

You need to think about the rules for storing Protargol not after purchasing it, but before. When starting treatment, you need to remember the following factors:


  • Protargol solution is sold only in bottles made of thick dark glass. If this condition is violated by the pharmacist, it is better to contact another pharmacy. Even subsequent storage in the refrigerator will not restore the properties of the product.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Sialor in powder form is stored for about the same amount of time as a solution. Just keep it not in the refrigerator, but in a dark, dry and cool place. If the composition gets slightly wet, it should be thrown away; it will not be suitable for preparing medicine.
  • Having decided to prepare the solution yourself, it is necessary to take into account all the specific aspects of the process. The procedure is carried out using sterile glass containers (bowl and spoon). Boiled water is used to dilute the powder. The finished Sialor is poured into dark glass bottles with well-ground lids and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator door. In the future, the product will need to be shaken well before use.
  • Regardless of the form of the product, it must be stored out of the reach of children. If a child’s skin color suddenly changes, grayish or bluish spots appear, this may indicate Protargol poisoning.

Sialor spray

Despite the fact that, according to some people, Protargol is just an antiseptic, using it for self-medication is strictly prohibited. The drug is prescribed exclusively by a specialized specialist; even the dosage can be adjusted only with his permission. Improper use of the product can mask the symptoms of the disease or signs of the development of a complication, which will significantly complicate the course of the therapeutic process.

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  1. Olga

    Thank you. Everything is written in detail. Useful article.


