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Is it possible to store raw, marinated, fried, boiled chicken in the freezer?

Many housewives prefer to store chicken meat for future use. But a reasonable question arises: how long can you store chicken in the freezer or refrigerator without losing its beneficial properties?

Chicken legs

Fresh product

If we are talking about storing fresh chicken breast (drums, wings, legs) or whole chicken, then it is better to freeze the product immediately. Because in the refrigerator, at temperatures from 0 to +4, it can be kept no longer than 4 days from the date indicated on the package.

Website purity-en.htgetrid.com warns: if the label indicates a longer shelf life, then this is a reason to think about the quality of the meat or the integrity of the seller.

When frozen, fresh chicken meat will last up to a year at a temperature of –24 -18° C. Accordingly, the warmer it is in the freezer, the shorter the chicken will be stored.

Frozen whole chicken

It is preferable to immediately divide the chicken into single portions and, if necessary, remove the skin before putting it in the freezer. Repeated freezing is unacceptable, as this will greatly affect the taste of the meat and its composition, destroying most of the nutrients.

Marinated meat

Marinated chicken can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. But it is worth considering that long-term exposure to tender poultry meat is extremely undesirable. Therefore, you need to carefully read the information on the packaging of the sauce or marinating mixture before you begin.Experts do not recommend freezing such chicken.

Chicken breasts

Boiled or fried chicken

Boiled or fried chicken meat in the refrigerator will be perfectly preserved for 2-3 days at a temperature no higher than +5 degrees. And in the freezer it will last up to 3-6 months, at -18. The meat does not lose its properties at all (after defrosting once).

Whole baked chicken

How to defrost correctly

The magazine purity-en.htgetrid.com recommends thawing chicken and any other meat in a gentle way and avoiding temperature shock:

  1. Remove from freezer.
  2. Place in a plate or tray so that the moisture has somewhere to drain.
  3. Place in the main compartment of the refrigerator, away from the walls and prepared foods.
  4. Wait until the bird is completely defrosted.

Fresh whole chicken

Yes, such manipulations sometimes take up to a day, but chicken meat will retain maximum taste and nutrients. If you can’t wait at all, then you should defrost the product at room temperature. And under no circumstances should you resort to using a microwave, warm water or other influences.

Chicken is truly a universal and healthy product, and its low cost, compared to other types of meat, makes it the queen of the table. Don't be afraid to buy frozen chicken or put it in the freezer for storage. Proper thawing will preserve all the benefits of the meat.

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  1. Lyudmila

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  2. Lyudmila

    Helpful information. Thanks to the author.


