In dark corners and under the bed: how to easily clean the baseboard without moving the furniture

With the pace of life as it is today, deep cleaning every week is out of the question. Moving cabinets and sofas to remove all the dust - this requires brute male strength. Modern men work almost seven days a week, and many housewives do the same. Then various tricks come to the rescue. For example, to clean the floor under the sofa, all you need to do is use tape.

How does tape help fight dust?

A lot of dust accumulates on baseboards and in the corners of the room, which is known to be a breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites. You need to clean it at least once a week. Otherwise, the risk of encountering respiratory diseases increases.

To avoid moving furniture, the baseboard behind the sofa and bed, as well as under the bathtub, can be cleaned as follows:

  1. Take a brush. floor brush
  2. Place double-sided tape on the front.
    floor brush and double-sided tape tape on floor brush
  3. Remove the protective paper.
    peeling off the adhesive tape mop with a layer of tape
  4. Wipe the floor under the sofa or closet.
    cleaning hard-to-reach places with a mop and tape
  5. All the dust and wool from the baseboard will stick to the tape.
    result of cleaning with a mop and tape
  6. You need to glue a new strip of tape and brush it again.

You can use this same life hack to clean the space under the refrigerator, wardrobe and washing machine. Only the tape needs to be glued not to the brush, but to a long ruler.

A device made from a hanger for washing hard-to-reach places

You can easily clean the floor under the cabinet and washing machine if you do the following:

  1. Take a metal hanger.
    metal hanger
  2. “Bite off” it so that a long rod and a curved edge of 15 cm remain.
    Curved hanger for cleaning tool
  3. Place a handle with an adhesive roller on the corner or wrap several layers of electrical tape.
  4. Wrap an old towel or cleaning cloth around the rod.
    rolled paper on a hanger device
  5. Bend the rod at a comfortable angle. Wipe off the dust.
    cleaning baseboards and cabinet floors

You can buy a ready-made brush for washing hard-to-reach places. There are all kinds of mop attachments - narrow and long, bending in different directions. For example, the companies “Norwex” and “White Cat”. They are suitable for both dry and wet cleaning. You can easily wash the floor and then wash the removable “fur coat”.

Another popular option is the Swiffer dust brush. It is a flexible handle with disposable wipes that attract dust well.
It’s true that a special attachment (brush) is not cheap – 1000-2000 rubles.

Raise furniture higher (install wheels or legs)

To ensure that dust doesn’t have a chance, the problem needs to be solved radically:

  • Place the sofa on 10 cm legs, and any brush will fit under it without difficulty. Legs can be ordered at a furniture store or looked for in a large shopping center with building materials.
  • Make the furniture mobile by screwing on wheels. They must be able to withstand a lot of weight and slide easily across the flooring. Then even a fragile housewife will be able to move a huge cabinet. Cleaning floors in hard-to-reach places will become much easier.

Both legs and wheels can be found at IKEA. They are inexpensive. For example, IKEA Riehl wheels will cost about 300 rubles. for a set of 4 pcs.

There are places in every apartment that are difficult to get into and clean properly. Corner sofas, huge wardrobes and refrigerators can store entire deposits of dust underneath.To breathe deeply in your apartment and stay healthy, it is important to clean baseboards and corners at least once a week. Various life hacks make the task easier. The simplest thing a housewife can use is double-sided tape glued to a brush or ruler.

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