What to do if the mattress smells unpleasant. How to get rid of urine smell on your own

Unpleasant odors and stains on the mattress often occur if small children and animals live in the house. Such consequences can significantly affect the quality of sleep, and when night's rest becomes inadequate, it can affect a person's health. Experts recommend cleaning furniture at least twice a year, which will get rid of dust mites, and if you need to remove the smell of urine from a mattress, you need to act as quickly as possible.

Features of different types of cleaning

Any housewife can remove stains at home without having to resort to expensive dry cleaning services.But before removing stains and odors, you need to know how different mattresses react to exposure to water in combination with detergents, so as not to spoil the furniture.

Cleaning the mattress with a brush

Spring frame

The presence of metal elements and wood in the frame implies a minimum amount of moisture during washing, otherwise corrosion will quickly occur and mold will form, which is hazardous to health. For cleaning, you will need a dishwashing sponge, wet wipes and a dry cloth to remove excess water as quickly as possible.

With independent springs

The orthopedic design is complemented by fillers that do not tolerate water, absorb it quickly and take a long time to dry. Therefore, if cleaning is carried out in the cold season, when it is not possible to expose the mattress to the sun, it is better to use professional foam stain removers.

Foam cleaners

Polyurethane foam

The filling is easy to wash and dries quickly, which is why such mattresses are often included in children's cribs; they are bought for dachas because they are easy to care for. The material practically does not absorb water, and to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress, you need to remove the cover, wash it, and wash the problem area with water and detergent.


Natural filler quickly absorbs moisture, so to wash such a mattress without losing functionality, you need to use a minimal amount of water. Coconut fiber is susceptible to mold, which can be very difficult to get rid of. If stains and odor are not an isolated case, then it is better to purchase a waterproof mattress cover.

waterproof mattress pad

Foam rubber

The material dries quickly, but is easily deformed during drying, so it requires careful handling.To remove the stain, you need to remove the mattress cover, wash it in the washing machine, treat the filling with detergent and leave it to dry in a draft, but away from direct sunlight.

Cotton, bamboo, silk

The materials have the ability to strongly absorb water, which causes certain difficulties during drying. If you cannot hang the mattress in the sun to quickly remove moisture, then it is better to use a method with the least amount of water, then it will not lose its shape and functionality.

Cotton mattress


The filler tolerates washing well and does not lose its properties when wet. The mattress can be washed and dried in the bathroom if its size does not allow the use of a washing machine. If the product is from a crib, to clean the mattress from urine, just remove the cover and wash it separately from the filling.

How to clean a mattress from baby urine

It is easiest to remove stains if they have formed in a child’s crib. Children's urine does not yet have a pronounced color or odor, but if contamination occurs regularly, then urea tends to accumulate in the filler, which will lead to its destruction. It is better to wash the mattress immediately after a stain has formed and, to prevent this from happening regularly, buy a cover made of waterproof material.

Cleaning the mattress

Laundry or baby bar soap

Such products will not cause allergies or irritation to the child’s skin. To clean a fresh stain, you need a soft brush and a little water to dissolve the soap. The solution will create a small foam, which you need to use to clean the stained area and blot the residue first with a damp and then with a dry towel.

baby bar soap

Stain remover for organic stains

It is sold in hardware stores in the form of a liquid or spray, which is applied to the area of ​​contamination and then washed off with a small amount of water. Next, the mattress is thoroughly dried. Chemicals used to clean cribs should be used with caution; some ingredients are safe for adults but may cause irritation in children. It is better to purchase a special composition that is approved for use on cribs.

How to clean an adult's urine from a mattress

Bedridden patients often leave stains in their bed, so it makes sense to additionally use a waterproof cover or special diapers that quickly absorb moisture and minimize the consequences. But if you need to clean your mattress from urine, you can use home remedies that will remove the odor and prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Wash an adult's urine from a mattress


A safe product that will help get rid of unpleasant odors. To clean the stain, you need to dilute the powder with water until a paste forms and apply it to the stain. After 15-20 minutes, clean the area with a brush and remove the residue with a damp towel. Borax cannot completely get rid of a stain, but it will remove the smell and stop the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

Ammonia solution with ammonia

This composition can remove particularly stubborn stains. To prepare the solution you will need 0.5 cups of ammonia, ammonia and 2 cups of water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Use a warm solution to thoroughly wash the stain using a sponge or soft brush and rinse off any remaining residue with water. Place the mattress in the sun until dry.


Vinegar solution

The product lightens stains and is completely capable of removing unpleasant odors.You need to treat the area of ​​contamination with a clean cloth soaked in 9% vinegar, then wipe a little with a damp cloth to remove the strong odor. If it is possible to remove the mattress cover and wash it in a machine, then 0.5 cups of vinegar can be added to the powder.

Vinegar solution

Mixture of salt and lemon juice

An excellent stain and odor remover that is suitable for both fresh and old stains. You need to mix the juice with salt until a paste forms and apply it to the stain. It is better to leave the mixture for 24 hours, then the components will completely disinfect the surface and eliminate the consequences. After applying the product, wash the treatment area with a small amount of water.

Mixture of salt and lemon juice

How to Clean Pet Urine from a Mattress

The cat and dog genitourinary system produces particularly persistent odors, which are quite difficult to get rid of. If a pet has put a “mark” on the mattress, you need to not only remove the stain, but also neutralize the smell as quickly as possible in order to avoid repeated provocations.

Cat on the bed

Special means

All pet stores provide a wide range of chemicals that will help not only remove dirt, but also repel the animal. Typically, such compositions are sold in the form of a spray, which must be applied to the surface and not rinsed off. The product itself is completely safe for the animal, but has an unpleasant aroma for it.


It is a universal solution for removing stains and odors. To treat the mattress, you need to moisten a soft cloth in 9% vinegar and rub the stained area, then rinse it with water. A slight smell of vinegar will remain, which can scare the animal away from the bed for a long time.

Food grade vinegar

Hydrogen peroxide solution

If you mix 0.5 cups of peroxide and 1 cup of water, you can remove old and fresh stains, as well as rid the mattress of the smell and repeated “marks” of the animal on the sleeping area. After treating the stain, the hydrogen peroxide is washed off with a small amount of water and the mattress is exposed to the sun until dry.

Alcohol and vodka

They are capable of completely eliminating odor, disinfecting surfaces and weaning a cat or dog from leaving “marks” on the owners’ sleeping place. Alcohol and vodka do not require rinsing; to treat, just wet the stain and leave until the volatile substances have completely evaporated.

Laundry soap

It has a not very pleasant aroma for animals, so it is often used to remove most types of stains. To remove dirt, you need to moisten it a little with water, apply soap to the brush and rub. Then wash with a little water and dry.

Laundry soap


The powder is considered an excellent absorbent that removes stains and odors well. To remove dirt, mix baking soda with water until it becomes a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and wait until it dries; then it will be enough to remove the soda from the mattress and clean the area with a brush from any residue.


A powerful product that can completely remove the smell and wean the animal from “marking” to bed. But bleach can discolor fabric, so it must be used with caution. To clean a mattress from cat or dog urine, you need to dilute a glass of white with water in a 1:1 ratio and rub the resulting solution into the stained area.


How to dry after washing

After removing a stain from the surface of the mattress, it is better to immediately blot off excess moisture with paper towels or a soft cloth.If the area of ​​contamination is not extensive, then you can use a hair dryer with warm air to dry it.

Do not place the mattress on its edge near heat sources. The optimal place for drying will be a horizontal floor surface with natural air currents, then the moisture will evaporate quickly and without disturbing the shape.

Pollution prevention

It is advisable to prevent the appearance of stains on mattresses; acids and urea have a destructive effect on the fabric and filling.

Cleaning the mattress

How to prevent stains:

  1. If sick people and children live in the house, in order not to constantly carry out the tedious cleaning procedure, it is better to buy a waterproof mattress cover.
  2. It is better to buy products with a removable cover that can be easily washed in a machine if necessary, and the filling can be dried in the open air.
  3. When pets leave “marks,” you need to take immediate action, otherwise the smell will attract them to mark their territory again.
  4. If you make your bed every morning after getting up with a thick blanket, there will be significantly fewer stains on the mattress.
  5. By devoting more time to your children, animals and sick people, you can completely eliminate the appearance of stains.

Dirt from a mattress can be easily removed with home remedies, so don’t scold your loved ones. The main thing is to identify the reason for their appearance and try to solve it.

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