Choosing a convenient knife for peeling potatoes

Potatoes are often used in preparing a wide variety of dishes. It is definitely added to the first dish, making excellent appetizers and just side dishes. That is why choosing a knife for quick and high-quality peeling of potatoes is an important issue for any housewife who tries to spend her time rationally. A suitable model should easily peel the skin off the root crop and fit comfortably in the hand.

Paring knife

Small curved knife

This is a sharp knife with a blade curved inward and a lowered tip. This unusual shape makes it especially convenient. It itself is small in size, the length of the blade does not exceed eight centimeters. When cleaning a tuber, you can easily remove the peel from it, using a sharp end to cut out all the eyes, cracks and other defects. The curved blade grips the potato well, and the small size allows you to comfortably hold the knife in your hand.

Peeling potatoes with a peeler knife

Piller knife

Peeling knives were specially designed for quick and high-quality peeling. Peeling potatoes with them is less dangerous, but requires some skill.

There are two types of peelers.

  • The most common is the “slingshot” model.
  • No less convenient are straight samples, similar in shape to regular ones, but with a longer handle and a short blade.

“Slingshots” outwardly look like an ordinary razor, but at the same time they are endowed with a number of advantages. Such a knife will cut the skin from the tuber very thinly, leaving minimal waste. It allows you to save as much useful fruit pulp as possible.This is especially important when you are peeling young potatoes.

Another variety is a small stalk with a pointed blade at the end that is shorter than the handle. It will be almost impossible to find a person who has never held such a knife in his hands. Its feature is two blades facing each other. Thanks to this double-sided sharpening, it is ideal for both right-handed and left-handed people who often have to adapt to other types of knives. Its sharp end is very convenient for removing various growths and stains from the surface.

Both models not only do an excellent job of peeling tubers, but are also safer than a regular knife. For a long time they were considered the most convenient tools, until models with a floating blade appeared.

Floating blade knife

Floating blade knife

Knives of this configuration are excellent for peeling round-shaped products. A moving (floating) blade ideally cleans such a surface of all unnecessary elements, smoothly avoiding all irregularities and bends. The blade can rotate around its axis. This design feature allows it to follow the contours of any potato, adjusting each time to its uneven surface.

Such a knife (if it is produced by a trusted manufacturer) can make you forget your idea of ​​peeling potatoes as an unpleasant task. When working with a high-quality tool, you get the feeling that it begins to clean itself, and the person only points it in the right direction.


The blades installed on these types of knives can be serrated and smooth. It is more convenient to work with potatoes with a straight blade.

Paring knives

Manufacturing materials

The following can be used as blade material in the production of potato peeling knives:

  • stainless steel or zinc (such blades can be sharp on both sides);
  • ceramics.

Despite the fact that ceramic models have a number of undeniable advantages (very sharp, do not absorb odors, do not oxidize food), at the same time they break quite easily and are expensive. In addition, usually the blade of these types is made sharp only on one side, which makes it inconvenient for left-handed people to use.

The handle of knives can be metal or plastic. The first one is too heavy, but durable. Therefore, it’s up to you to choose: what do you prefer – comfort or reliability?

When choosing a knife for your kitchen to peel potatoes, take this issue seriously. Think about which option is right for you: a universal one, suitable for processing most vegetables, or one designed specifically for peeling potatoes.

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