5 products to help remove cement from windows

After repairs, dirt and dust always remain. One of the pressing issues of final cleaning is how to clean cement from a window, so as not to accidentally leave scratches on the glass or double glazing.

A man washes a panoramic window

There are 5 effective remedies for removing such stains, starting with store-bought chemicals and ending with homemade formulations.

The choice of equipment for removing cement stains plays an important role. But initially it is better to familiarize yourself with the nuances of working with this type of pollution.

Removing cement stains from windows

The nuances of removing cement stains from windows

The first thing to consider is that sharp objects leave scratches. Based on this simple truth, we can formulate the following rules for washing windows:

  • Do not use knives, metal brushes, spatulas or other sharp objects.
  • Trying to clean concrete “dry” is also dangerous for glass. Initially, you need to destroy the structure of the frozen solution. For this purpose, it is rational to use acids - they will allow you to clean off the cement without scratching the surface on which it has hardened.

If scratches do appear on the frames, they can be masked with a special polish for plastic.There is no way to correct the situation on glass.

Necessary equipment

To protect your skin from drying out during work, and your respiratory tract from exposure to harmful fumes, you will need gloves and a respirator.

Equipment for removing cement stains from windows

From your inventory it will be enough to have:

  • at least 3 soft cloths;
  • plastic spatula;
  • scraper for ceramic tiles.

After the “arsenal” has been assembled, you need to decide on the order of actions.

Removing cement traces from window glass

Stages of cleaning windows from dried solution

The ideal option is to wipe off cement mortar stains from windows before it hardens. But if the moment is missed, get ready for a more labor-intensive process.

To make your glass shine like new, you need to carry out several cleaning steps:

  1. Soak the concrete and rub it for about 20 seconds. At this step, detergents of varying degrees of aggressiveness are used.
  2. Remove stains with baking soda.
  3. Polish the glass.

Only if these manipulations are performed consistently will the windows shine again.

5 types of grout removers

Acid will help get rid of cement stains on plastic frames and glass. Ready-made products are sold for these purposes, but if you wish, you can save money by using household chemicals or making a special solution yourself. It is worth noting that in this case it will be more difficult to clean the windows.

Chemical agent for softening traces of cement mortar

Option #1: Special products from the store

With their help, contamination is removed without much effort, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time. These cleaners may be sold as sprays or liquids.

Here is a list of products that are especially popular:

  • Blitz spray or gel;
  • Baugeratereiniger 81;

It is enough to apply them to contaminated areas and wait a certain time (indicated in the instructions).The alkali will make the cement loose. After this, armed with a rag, you need to wipe off the dirt. Removing streaks and making glass shine are separate cleaning steps.

Comet for removing cement stains from windows

Option No. 2: Household chemicals

Comet gel is considered an excellent cement solvent. It is usually used for washing dishes.

You need to do this:

  1. Apply a small layer of detergent directly to stains.
  2. Wait until the cement structure softens.
  3. Wash off any residue with a damp cloth.
  4. The final stage is the fight against stains and adding shine to the windows.

Vinegar and soda

Option #3: Vinegar and soda

Everyone knows the “fizzy” effect when combining these two ingredients. This is what will be used to combat cement stains. This method is more labor-intensive than the previous two, but any housewife has baking soda and vinegar in her arsenal.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Wet the rag generously with vinegar.
  2. Rub the dirt vigorously for 20 seconds.
  3. Place a small pile of baking soda on the second cloth. Lightly moisten it with water.
  4. Rub the cement with a soda cloth for 10 seconds.
  5. As a result, drops of cement will be eliminated, but stains will remain. How to deal with them is described in a separate paragraph of the article.

Squeezing juice from half a lemon

Option #4: Lemon

This fruit contains a lot of acids, and cement does not tolerate an acidic environment. Conclusion: Lemon is ideal for removing stains on windows.

Using citrus is simple:

  1. Divide it in half.
  2. Rub the dirt with lemon (cut side). If there are splashes on the windowsill, squeeze the juice from the half onto them.
  3. Wait until the cement softens.
  4. Remove any residue with a damp cloth.
  5. Polish the surface.

It is advisable to use this product for minor stains, otherwise you will have to buy a lot of lemons.

Removing cement stains from windows with warm water

Option #5: Warm water

This method is less effective than the others, but still applicable. You will have to work hard, and it will take a long time to wait until the solution gets wet. But if there are no alternatives, use it.

The procedure is approximately the same as in the other options:

  1. It is necessary to moisten the stains generously with warm water.
  2. Wait until the stains soften.
  3. Remove the cement using a plastic spatula and wipe with a damp cloth.
  4. Polish the surface.

Window cleaning

4 ways to polish glass

You can polish window glass with special sprays, which are sold in almost every household chemical store. For example, "Mr. Muscle".

You can make the solution yourself. It is used in the same way as a commercial spray.

Here are 3 recipes to note:

  • Mix vinegar with water. 3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water is quite enough.
  • Dilute ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Prepare saline solution. To do this, just dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of hot water.

The fight against dried cement on windows and plastic after renovation does not seem so hopeless if you know where to start. The main secret is not to clean “dry” and not to use metal devices (knives or scrapers). This is the only way to prevent scratches on plastic windows.

Cement stains become less durable when exposed to acid. It is found in vinegar and lemon. Things will go much faster when using special tools. At the final stage, the surface will need to be polished to get rid of stains. And voila - the windows will sparkle as before.

Do you know a good cement stain remover? Share in the comments!
  1. Elena

    I tried washing the window with a mixture of diluted vinegar. Now only them and mine. No streaks, cleans well.


