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When to ferment cabbage in April 2023 according to the lunar calendar and the position of the constellations, what folk signs say

When choosing the day to pickle cabbage in April 2023, experienced chefs are guided not only by their busy schedule. In order for the snack to be truly tasty and preserved for a long time, you need to know in what periods you can prepare it and in what periods you can’t. Determine the appropriate date according to the lunar calendar and the position of the constellations. They also take into account folk signs associated with salting.

When to ferment cabbage in April 2023 according to the lunar calendar


Favorable and unfavorable according to the lunar calendar

Lunar phases affect many areas of human life. Preparation of preparations is no exception. Thus, during periods of the waxing Moon, bacteria that trigger the fermentation process are most active. This means that the cabbage will be salted faster and better, and will retain its beneficial properties longer.


The days of the full moon and new moon are considered unsuitable. If you ferment cabbage at this time, it will not turn out juicy and crispy. The shredder will look like it was made from fairly wilted leaves and will quickly turn sour.

Some disagreements arise among housewives regarding the waning Moon. Some argue that this time is also unfavorable, since bacterial activity decreases. Others consider it neutral, but quite suitable for preparing snacks.

According to the lunar calendar for April 2023, the schedule of suitable, inappropriate and neutral days looks like this:

  • favorable (growing Moon) - April 1-5 and 21-30;
  • unfavorable (full moon and new moon) - April 6 and 20;
  • neutral or conditionally favorable (satellite in waning phase) – April 9-19.

There is a belief that on unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, you cannot not only make, but also open the preparations. It is believed that this way they will turn sour or dry out faster.


Suitable and unsuitable days according to the zodiac

The taste and shelf life of cabbage also depend on what constellation the Moon is in at the time of pickling.

The most suitable days are when the satellite is in the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, preferably in the growing phase. Although many housewives claim that during these periods the preparation turns out tasty, even if it is prepared for the waning moon.

The time when Cancer, Virgo and Pisces dominate is unfavorable. The shredder will be soft, watery, quickly lose its juiciness and become moldy.


The periods when the Moon is in Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius are called neutral. But, if you make preparations, it is better to choose the time when these signs are active, which falls on the growing phase.

Guided by these principles, you can determine the optimal dates for any month, and find out what days are April, May, etc. most suitable for working with pickles.

According to the zodiac, it is best to ferment cabbage in April 2023 on one of these days:

  • April 1 (growing Moon, Leo);
  • April 2 (growing Moon, Leo and Virgo);
  • April 21 (growing Moon, Taurus);
  • April 22 (growing Moon, Taurus and Gemini);
  • April 28 (growing Moon, Leo);
  • April 29 (waning moon, Leo and Virgo).

The following dates are conditionally favorable when the satellite is in the waning phase, but at the same time in a suitable sign:

  • April 10 (waning moon, Sagittarius);
  • April 11 (waning moon, Sagittarius and Capricorn);
  • April 12 (waning moon, Capricorn);
  • April 13 (waning moon, Capricorn and Aquarius);
  • April 19 (waning moon, Aries).

Sauerkraut in a jar

Unfavorable days when you can’t ferment cabbage:

  • April 3 (growing Moon, Virgo);
  • April 4 (growing Moon, Virgo);
  • April 5 (growing Moon, Virgo and Libra);
  • April 6 (full moon, Libra);
  • April 16 (waning Moon, Aquarius and Pisces);
  • April 17 (waning moon, Pisces);
  • April 18 (waning moon, Pisces and Aries);
  • April 20 (new moon, Aries and Taurus);
  • April 25 (waning moon, Cancer);
  • April 26 (waning moon, Cancer);
  • April 27 (waning moon, Cancer and Leo);
  • April 30 (waning moon, Virgo);

Zodiac neutral days in the first spring month of 2023 are:

  • April 7 (waning moon, Libra and Scorpio);
  • April 8 (waning moon, Scorpio);
  • April 9 (waning moon, Scorpio and Sagittarius);
  • April 14 (waning moon, Aquarius);
  • April 15 (waning Moon, Aquarius);
  • April 16 (waning Moon, Aquarius and Pisces);
  • April 23 (waning moon, Gemini);
  • April 24 (waning moon, Gemini and Cancer).

What do folk signs say?

It has long been believed that cabbage should be fermented in April only from heads that were “caught” by the first frosts in the fall. This is how it becomes especially crispy and filled with delicious, rich juice.

Moon calendar

There are other folk signs regarding this preparation:

  • You can ferment cabbage only on “men’s” days - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • you should not make pickles during “women’s” time – on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • Sunday is a neutral day, but working (according to Christian traditions) is still undesirable, only in case of emergency;
  • You should not make preparations in a bad mood - this will affect the taste, quality and shelf life of the dish.

And also some housewives claim that the best snack is obtained from flattened, and not from spherical, heads of cabbage.

Secrets of delicious cabbage

Each housewife has her own tricks regarding the ratio of ingredients, the type and amount of seasonings used when preparing pickles. But there are general principles that should be followed to ensure that the cabbage turns out tasty, juicy and crispy:

  1. You should not start chopping the heads of cabbage immediately after they have been cut. It is better to let the product sit for at least a week.
  2. It is recommended to take only white leaves without damage for harvesting. Green, wilted and rotten ones cannot be put in, they will spoil the taste and appearance of the dish.
  3. If carrots are added to the shredder, it is better to grate them on a coarse grater. When using a small one, the snack turns out watery.
  4. The volume of salt should be approximately 2% of the total mass. Moreover, you need to take a large, stone additive, and not an iodized one.
  5. Spices should be added in moderate doses; they should not interrupt the taste of the other ingredients. It is better to stay with a small amount of bay leaf and peppercorns.
  6. Products should be kneaded well after chopping, so they will release more juice.
  7. You cannot ferment cabbage in aluminum containers, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant, “metallic” taste and an unappetizing appearance.
  8. After placing the snack in the container where it will infuse, you need to compact it tightly. For these purposes, you can use a puree masher.
  9. After compacting, be sure to pierce the mass to the very bottom using a knitting needle or the wooden handle of a kitchen spatula.This will facilitate the release of gases formed during the fermentation process.
  10. During fermentation, keep the container with cabbage at a temperature of 18-22°C. In a colder environment, bacteria will work less well, and in a warm environment the product will ferment.
  11. To prevent the finished dish from turning sour prematurely, you need to put an aspen sprig or horseradish root in the container.

Cabbage ferments for about 1-1.5 weeks. After this, the snack is ready to eat.

Sauerkraut in a jar

Conditions and shelf life of sauerkraut

At the end of fermentation, the product must be placed in the cold so that the vital processes of bacteria slow down, otherwise the product will quickly sour and become moldy. It is better if the temperature is not much above 0°C. You can place the container not only in the refrigerator, but also in the cellar, “cold” room or on the loggia.

If optimal conditions are created, cabbage can be stored for up to six months. If the temperature exceeds +10°C, then no more than a few days. Therefore, in cases where it is not possible to keep the product in the cold, it is better to cook it in such a volume that it can be eaten in 3-5 days. You can prepare a new portion at any time - cabbage, carrots and seasonings are freely sold throughout the year.

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