Is it okay to throw toilet paper down the toilet?
Even in the era of flushable bushings, the question remains: is it okay to throw toilet paper down the toilet? In public places there is often a prohibitory sign; advertisements claim that it is safe. Let's figure out whether a blockage can occur due to paper and in what cases this happens, and also consider ways to eliminate it.
Why shouldn't you throw paper down the toilet? Will the drain clog?
The reluctance of housewives to install a trash can in the bathroom is understandable: no matter how sealed and beautiful it is, this point will still not be aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. Throwing pieces of paper into a bin is a largely outdated habit, but it’s not that simple.
Signs asking people not to throw toilet paper in the toilet are everywhere. Is there a danger of blockage in an apartment? Depends on the composition of the "pipifax". There are varieties made from fairly thick paper. They are inexpensive, but at the same time they are an unsafe option for health due to their hardness. This type of cellulose does not dissolve in water: it is made from recycled waste paper, it has a lot of glue and little purified cellulose, so it breaks down into shreds that cause traffic jams.
Modern rolls of the softest and loosest paper dissolve instantly and do not cause any concern. Often the manufacturer indicates on the packaging that the paper is intended to be flushed down the toilet. It is more expensive, but safer for both plumbing and health.
Mixed paper is also produced: partly from waste paper, partly from cellulose. To make sure whether the sewer roll will not harm, it is better to conduct a test: place a piece of paper in water and evaluate how quickly it dissolves.
Can't throw away
It is not recommended to throw away paper if the plumbing in the house is not new (the pipes are most likely narrowed by layers of dirt, lime and water stone), or is not installed according to standards. The toilet flush elbow and pipe must be of sufficient width, there should be no bends or turns in the pipes, the tank must work properly and flush with sufficient force.
The problem of blockages is especially relevant for private homes. In the absence of powerful water pressure and a long route, the likelihood of traffic jams increases significantly. If a tank with a storage septic tank is used for drainage, you cannot throw paper into the toilet.
A septic tank is a necessary device for cleaning sewage. The Topas automatic septic tank is recommended for people who are faced with the difficulties of a local sewer system, for example, in a suburban area. The station processes wastewater from the house biologically, using bacteria. Topas breaks down not only cellulose, but also other possible sources of blockages.
Can be thrown away
You can throw away paper if:
- pipe diameter is more than 100 mm;
- the drainage route is short and straight;
- in the storage tank, processing is carried out by active septic tanks;
- dissolvable paper is used.
Toilets in public places
Why are there signs almost everywhere in public places asking for careful use of plumbing? Compare the number of toilet users in your apartment and the average restaurant.Traffic there is much higher and the likelihood of blockages is also higher. Another factor is the “pipifax” variety. As a rule, this is a cheap single-layer type with a lot of impregnation.
As a result, the pipes become clogged with cellulose that has not had time to soak, and complex plugs are formed. Try to understand public place workers. They already have to clean the plumbing frequently, and if permission is given to flush paper down the toilet, wet wipes and hygiene products will also go there - not all visitors conscientiously use the restroom.
What to do if your plumbing is clogged
As a rule, soft, easily dissolving paper is purchased for the home; it does not cause problems with blockages. If paper still clogs the toilet, then you should carry out the following procedure:
- Dissolve liquid laundry detergent or gel in a bucket of hot water.
- Scoop out excess water, if any.
- Pour the solution into the toilet.
Use a plunger or a special cable. If the water does not go away, call a plumber. Most likely, the cause of the blockage is hidden deeper.
It's possible that it wasn't toilet paper that caused the trouble. What else clogs the drain:
- leftover food;
- cat litter made of clay or silica gel (wooden litter can be washed off in small quantities);
- hygiene items, including diapers and wet wipes;
- construction garbage;
- newspapers, magazines, cardboard, printing paper;
- rags;
- packages;
- candy wrappers;
- toys, especially dog or small children's balls, etc.
If the trash can is not for you, but you are afraid of clogging, then try not to throw a lot of pieces of paper at one time, especially crumpled ones. Rinse off the water several times in a row.
Consider installing high-quality plumbing fixtures and purchasing special toilet paper. Ultimately, this is much more convenient than fiddling with a not-so-fragrant trash can.
And the pipes in our house are very old and seem to be already heavily clogged with dirt and all sorts of deposits. The toilet often clogged. I was already thinking about putting a bucket in the toilet for paper. But then I decided to conduct a test, as in the article. I bought different types of paper. And I found an option that quickly and almost completely dissolves. Of course paper is not cheap. But the toilet hasn’t clogged for a long time.