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Enter at any cost: open the intercom without a key

Intercoms in the entrances of multi-storey buildings are not installed for the sake of a whim - this is a security measure that can protect both from burglars and from the ubiquitous “treasure men” (unfortunately, drug caches in entrances are now not uncommon). However, any of the residents may forget or lose the magnetic key somewhere, or the treasured code may suddenly fall out of their memory - and then all they have to do is stand near the door in the hope that one of the neighbors will come up. If you find yourself in this situation, don't be sad. You can open the intercom without a key, but you should only use it in extreme cases, otherwise you will then have to explain for a long time to the brave representatives of law and order who you are and why you opened the lock.

Open entrance door with intercom

General methods of opening without codes

Some techniques can be used if you urgently need to get into an apartment but don’t have a key:

  • Use of force. Using a stop (usually your own foot) at the bottom of the door under the handle, you must sharply and forcefully pull the handle towards you. The castle will deteriorate irrevocably, but the goal will be achieved. Remember that in this case you will be responsible for the common property.
  • Make a universal key. This method depends on how advanced the system in the lock is and whether it can be reprogrammed.
  • Using the code. There are special general combinations for “hacking”.
  • Just wait. Long, but win-win and the most legal option.
  • Cooling. In winter, you can make a snowball and place it on the keyboard for a long time. After about 15 minutes an error will appear on the screen - the lock should open.
  • Stun gun. A powerful electric pulse will damage the filling. Again, in most cases, such a shock is fatal for the castle.

How to open the Metakom intercom?

There are quite a few ways to open a door protected by a Metakom intercom without a key:

  • Press the “Call” button (hereinafter will be “B”), then the number 5, then “B” again and dial 4253.
  • “B” – and then dial the sequence from 1 to 7.
  • If you know the number of the first apartment in the entrance, then you should press “Call”, then this number, again “B” and 5702.
  • Modified previous method: instead of the number of the first apartment, enter the number 1.
  • If there is no screen on the intercom, then just press “B” - 27 - “B” - 5702.

All these methods for opening doors to the entrance do not guarantee 100% entry into the entrance, and if the basic settings of the lock were changed by the installer, then such methods will generally be useless.

How to open the Cyfral intercom?

The domestically produced Digital intercom is considered to be quite reliable protection, but it can also be hacked with standard codes.

Opening Cyfral is simplified if your apartment in the entrance has a number from 100 to 999. Then you should dial the combinations: “B” - 100...200... (and so on up to 900) - again “B” - 7272 (or 7273, or 2323). About half the time this will work.

If the apartment number is two-digit or the method does not work, you can try the following: “B” – 41 – “B” – 1410. Or use the combination 07054.

The Cyfral CCD-2094 intercom will be very difficult to open without a key. The following steps can be taken:

  1. "IN";
  2. Combination 0000;
  3. if On appears on the display, then enter the number 2;
  4. if Off, then it’s not destiny - wait for the neighbors.

Opening the Vizit intercom

Audio intercoms of the “Visit” brand are among the most resistant to hacking. Often the standard settings are changed immediately, and universal codes for opening will not work. However, if the software remains factory installed, then if you lose the key, you can try the following combinations:

  • *#4230 or 12#345 – this works for older models.
  • New Vizit devices can be opened by dialing *#423 or 67#890.

You can try going to the service menu, if, of course, the installer is lazy. Dial code #999 – and after two beeps you will need to dial the device’s master code. If you are very lucky, the successful numbers will be 1234, 12345, 0000, 6767, 9999. When entering the menu, one short beep will sound, and then you should dial the code: 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535.

By the way, instead of * there can be a sign C, and instead of # - B or K.

Eltis intercom: open without a key

Eltis intercoms are similar in their properties to Cyfral (manufactured at the same plant), only more resistant to stun guns. If you use the first method used for Digital, there is a chance that the door will open. If this fails, it is possible to change the factory settings of the Eltis intercom:

  1. You need to hold down any number from 0 to 9, wait a few seconds until the word “Code” appears on the screen.
  2. If the factory password has not been changed, you can dial 1234, then 1.
  3. Select “New PIN code”.
  4. Last combination: 2-6-0.

Open the Factorial intercom without a key

The Factorial intercom can be opened by delving into the service menu settings:

  • The base code is 000000 or 123456.Or you can try holding down the number 5 for a few seconds.
  • After the code is displayed on the screen, dial 180180.
  • Press the call button, wait and enter 4.
  • Last step: press “B” again.

There are no full guarantees that the methods described above will help open the intercom in emergency situations. But if you really need to get home urgently, then you can try universal codes. It is best not to forget the magnetic key anywhere or make a spare one, and if time is of the essence, wait for the neighbors and not spoil the lock with your actions. After all, if it breaks completely, you will have to call the service department. Before their arrival, no one will be able to enter the entrance, and at least sidelong glances from the neighbors will be guaranteed.

What do you do when you forget the key to the intercom?
  1. I

    Is it necessary to insert videos into a text article?! Can't you describe it in words?!

  2. a

    We are from a clan of burglars - thanks for the information???


