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Do I need to lubricate a zipper if it doesn’t fasten well or sticks? Saving the castle

The lock on a new item, be it a jacket or boots, requires a little development. How to lubricate the zipper on a jacket if it gets stuck? Vegetable oil comes to mind, but there are a number of other, better options that may surprise you.

plastic jacket zipper

Metal Zipper: How to Fix a Sticky Zipper

If the lock does not fasten well, this does not mean that it is of poor quality. He needs a little help. There is no need to break out the object, just choose a lubricant so that the teeth do not get stuck. A couple of movements and the item will be worn comfortably.

metal zipper

Let's start with the metal zipper. This material is most often found on locks. If your jacket, bag or boots are made of leather, then use a piece of lard:

  1. Lard is safe for the skin, but can leave greasy marks on fabric.
  2. Cut a small piece of lard and rub it over the castle cloves.
  3. Excess fat can be easily removed with a dry cloth.

Camphor oil will also save iron lightning. Apply a little of the substance to a cotton pad or swab and walk it over the zipper.

If a black or gray lock sticks, try working it with a simple pencil. The lead will fill the space between the teeth and allow the slider to move more smoothly.

finishing the zipper with a pencil

Advice from purity-en.htgetrid.com magazine
If the slider is stuck, do not break it out or try to move it in different directions. Look to see if threads, wool or a piece of fabric from the clothing itself has gotten into the spaces between the teeth.If yes, try to carefully pull them out while holding the lock.

What to do with a plastic zipper

A plastic zipper is even easier to break than a metal one. In this case, substances that facilitate sliding will also come to the rescue.

plastic zipper

The best lubricants for plastic:

  1. Household candle. Spread paraffin wax on the back of the closed lock. After processing, unfasten and fasten the zipper several times, distributing the paraffin over all the teeth.
  2. Soap. Any bar will do, the main thing is hard and dry soap. Proceed in the same way as with a candle.

In a critical situation when you are away from home, try using transparent chapstick.

Keep the castle intact

The problem of jamming occurs not only with new things. If there are no visible breaks in the zipper, then pay attention to the condition of the slider. If it is loose and no longer grips the teeth, gently bend it back using pliers.

While ironing, try not to let the hot soleplate of the iron touch the plastic zipper. This causes the teeth to melt and the lock to become unusable.

squeezing the zipper slider with pliers

To ensure that the lock remains in working condition after washing, fasten it all the way and turn the item inside out. Also pay attention to hydrophobic lubricant - a special tool for treating zippers.

Do not rush to throw away an item with a broken lock. The slider can be replaced with a new one with your own hands. As a last resort, you will have to change the entire ZIP.

Replacing a lock is an expensive procedure, and it is especially difficult to choose a material to match the color of the product. Handle things carefully, take your time when zipping, and use tricks to make it last longer.

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  1. Vladimir

    The zipper on the jacket began to work poorly. I heard somewhere that you need to anoint it with soap. But it didn't help me. I read the article and understood why. My zipper is metal, not plastic. I rubbed it with a pencil lead. Now it works like new. Thank you!


