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Give alcohol without offending: 3 options for decorating a bottle for February 23

Give alcohol as a gift with caution. Obviously, a gift for a loved one should hint at how attentive you are to his interests and preferences. Therefore, we suggest decorating the bottles that will be donated on February 23rd with your own hands. Let there be something in the design that will turn a formal gift into a personal one!

Bottle decoration with gold corrugated paper

Simple and stylish

The abundance of decor from ribbons, beads, patches or even decoupage may be appreciated by women - but definitely not by men. Therefore, the design of the bottle should be clear, concise, and most importantly, such that the treasured container can be easily removed from it.

Everything you need to decorate a bottle with corrugated paper

You will need the following set:

  • the bottle itself;
  • corrugated paper of discreet color;
  • strong thin cord or ribbon;
  • some pleasant little thing that reflects the interests of a man.

Bottle wrapped in gift paper
As a nice touch, we tried on a sample of good eau de parfum and keychains in the shape of screwdrivers (quite functional). You can choose something to suit your taste - for example, an engraved pen, a concert ticket, a wobbler, or even a couple of hot peppers.

Now all that’s left to do is wrap the bottle in paper and attach a nice addition:

  1. It is more convenient to bandage in the form of a candy. Place the bottle on the corrugated paper parallel to the folds so that there is approximately the same distance from the bottom to the bottom edge and from the base of the neck to the top edge.
    Bottle on a sheet of corrugated paper
  2. Wrap the bottle in paper and carefully tie the “candy” with a cord.Try not to overtighten, as the material is delicate and tears easily.
    Bottle wrapped in corrugated paper and tied with waxed cord
  3. Now comes the fun part. The prepared trifle can be tied in the narrowest place or decorated with it in the middle of the “candy”.
    Bottle decoration for February 23

Try not to overdo it with bows and other decor that is meaningless, in the opinion of men.

Warm up and warm up

February is a cold month. It's time to give a “warming combo” - a healing balm and a warm scarf.

A bottle wrapped in a scarf and decorated with a heart

How to carefully wrap a bottle in a scarf?

  1. First, just roll it up.
    Wrapping a scarf around a bottle
  2. When about half a meter of scarf remains, we take the free end up to the neck and make another turn.
    Stage of wrapping a bottle in a scarf
  3. If the scarf is wide, carefully fold the edges and bring the free end under the top loop.
    Wrapping a bottle in a scarf
  4. We straighten the free edge and decorate the composition with a nice little thing - a mini-card, a keychain, a bright hot pepper or anything else. You can tie it to the neck or pin it to a scarf.
    Gift design option for a bottle and a men's scarf

Be careful with such a gift - make sure that the bottle does not slip out of the scarf and break! In our version, it held tightly (we checked!), but this depends on the shape of the container and the material of the scarf.

Decorate in 5 minutes

This option is suitable for decorating exciting gifts for colleagues or guys with whom you sometimes see in a large company. In a word, for those who do not need to show special treatment.

Bottles with collars and paper butterflies

For registration you will need:

  • alcohol;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a small square of corrugated paper or fabric;
  • strong cord or thread;
  • good glue (“Moment Crystal”, “Universal” or liquid nails).

Everything you need to decorate a bottle for February 23rd
We will make a collar with a bow tie:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper so that you get a not very wide strip.Here you need to focus on the size of the bottle (the 5 cm wide collar turned out to be too big for our bottle of Altai balsam, but it suited the Cuban rum perfectly).
  2. Try on the collar and cut off the excess to length.
  3. Fold the corners on one layer of folded paper so that the finished collar does not show multiple layers.
  4. Now cut out a small rectangle from the remaining paper and glue it so that you get a “bridge” between the two ends of the collar folded into a ring. Please note that the ends should be at an angle to each other.
    Gluing a paper collar for a bottle
    Decorating a bottle with a paper collar with a butterfly
  5. Make a butterfly - just tie the corrugated piece exactly in the middle and trim off the excess cord. Straighten the decoration.
  6. Color the “bridge” between the edges of the collar black with a pen or felt-tip pen and glue a butterfly to it. Ready!

Decorating bottles as a gift for February 23

So, we have offered 3 options for simple decor that will make a man smile even before the alcohol you gifted ends up in his glass. Isn't this the main thing? Remember that a gift fulfills its function at the moment of giving. Therefore, the “armor” made of beads, decoupage and something else, tightly glued to the bottle, is unlikely to justify the efforts expended by the craftswoman on its creation. Keep it simple - men will appreciate it.

Which gift bottle design option did you like best? Write in the comments!


