Why can't you boil water in a kettle twice?
The global information network is full of headlines that running water cannot be boiled twice. But why? After all, logically, double or triple boiling of a liquid is guaranteed to kill harmful microorganisms in it. In practice, everything is somewhat different - it’s not just about microorganisms.
From a scientific point of view
Chemistry will help us understand this issue. Water is not simply a combination of two hydrogen atoms through one oxygen atom. It is also an environment where many beneficial and harmful microorganisms live. Unfortunately, even liquid purification at a high technological level does not guarantee the complete absence of microflora at the outlet.
What happens to running water if you boil it a second time:
- If the first time you boil a liquid, the number of harmful microorganisms in it rapidly decreases, but when you boil it again, the organic component decomposes, which can have a detrimental effect on human health.
- Scientific fact: hydrogen atoms partially split and, when they come into contact with other harmful elements, settle to the bottom of the container or dish, thus gradually increasing the density of the liquid.
- If you boil water more than once, the beneficial substances contained in it disintegrate. In return, harmful compounds such as fluorine and arsenic are formed (in small quantities). Or, for example, nitrates, which under the influence of high temperatures cease to be safe additives and turn into harmful nitrosamines.
As can be seen from the above arguments, if you boil water twice, this will only worsen its harmfulness. Even a high degree of purification at the station cannot guarantee complete safety of the aquatic environment.
Is distilled water good or bad?
Many "experts" in the field of water purification often advise using distilled liquid. It seems that its beneficial qualities do not disappear even after several boilings. But is it?
Distilled water, having gone through the stages of evaporation, cooling and condensation, receives simultaneous saturation with oxygen and carbon dioxide (as well as a number of other substances). As the level of carbon dioxide in a liquid increases, the aquatic environment becomes slightly acidic. If distillation is carried out several times, the water will become completely neutral (this is used for technical purposes, for example, for refilling batteries).
Reasons why you should not drink distilled water:
- Its pH is several units lower, which negatively affects metabolism.
- It does not dissolve the minerals that are needed for normal nerve conduction, to renew body tissues and maintain hormonal levels.
Is distilled water harmful or beneficial? It is definitely harmful, because if a person often drinks distilled water, he does not receive minerals in the required quantities, so he first develops kidney disease, and subsequently other pathologies.
How to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of boiling?
It should be said right away that even the initial boiling of liquid is not entirely useful. The process of heating water leads to the destruction of bacteria and to a more active movement of impurities, which can settle for a very long time.But by applying simple tips in practice, you can, if not completely get rid of the harmful effects of boiling, then at least minimize them.
- Before boiling the liquid, let it sit in a clean container for at least two or three hours. Even if it had previously gone through a system of super-efficient filters.
- It is highly not recommended to close the brewing container with a lid immediately after adding boiling water. A greater flow of oxygen will neutralize some of the harmful impurities on the surface of the hot drink.
- Never mix hot boiled water with cold. Many people like to cool their drink this way, but in reality they only add a fresh portion of harmful microorganisms to it.
And the main advice: after the first boil, change the water in the kettle. This useful habit allows you to avoid boiling the liquid several times.
Don't boil - freeze
If you use boiling as a cleaning method, it is better to pay attention to a more effective method. The Internet is filled with articles that advise cleaning liquids by freezing them. And this option is suitable, even if you take chlorinated tap water. The most interesting thing is that this is not a myth; freezing really allows you to get rid of harmful impurities.
After the water turns to ice, there will be a small amount of liquid left at the bottom of the container that needs to be drained. As experts say, this is light water that is poorly absorbed by the body. Defrost the ice and drink cool water with pleasure. An excellent option for storing bottled liquids.
In conclusion, let us remind you: many diseases begin due to a lack of fluid in the body or its low quality.Remember that clean water without impurities is the basis for a person’s long life and good health.
To my great disappointment, the article I read is a collection of unverified sources of information, the author should be ashamed, children can read it (the article)
It's not beer that kills people, it's water that kills people. Drink beer, gentlemen. Never boil water in kettles, boil in buckets. After drinking water, jump in place three times and burp loudly. All harmful substances will fly out of your body. Don't jump more than three times, otherwise you'll over-jump.
Well, what about my advice from a scientific point of view?
I drink any water. I prefer from a bucket. spring in the yard. This is in the summer at the dacha. and in the city the water smells, it needs to be boiled 100 times
“Scientific fact: hydrogen atoms partially split and...” You don’t need to read any further. The nuclear fission reaction of hydrogen is something new in science. Yes... the less a person knows, the more confident he is in his knowledge.Author! At least check some nonsense from the Internet when compiling something into an article.
Class! Especially about hydrogen atoms and when fluorine and arsenic are “formed”. The author - go ahead with a song, about something else.
“If the first time you boil a liquid, the number of harmful microorganisms in it rapidly decreases, but when you boil it again, the organic component decomposes, which can have a detrimental effect on human health. Scientific fact: hydrogen atoms partially split and, when they come into contact with other harmful elements, settle to the bottom of the container or dish, thus gradually increasing the density of the liquid. If you boil water more than once, the beneficial substances contained in it disintegrate. Instead, they produce (in small quantities) harmful compounds such as fluorine and arsenic.” - this is just nonsense. Ig Nobel Prize guaranteed.
Bullshit! The topic of the transformation of water into heavy water with isotopes of tritium and deuterium and increased radiation has not been disclosed...
Yeah... The “scientific” justification is simply bombastic. Any chemist after reading THIS, if he doesn’t hit the wall with boredom, will probably have a long and nervous hiccup. I haven’t read other articles by this author, but if they have the same pseudoscientific argumentation, then my advice to novice housewives is better block this obscenity, you will be healthier...