Sprinkling salt on the doorstep - what does it mean and why do they do it?
Modern people are perplexed: “Why do old women pour salt on the doorstep of an apartment?” The answer is quite simple - they believe in its magical properties. All sorts of beliefs and traditions are associated with the crystalline substance.
In magic, salt crystals are a powerful bioinformation intermediary. They can contain both good and evil messages and can be used for healing, protection, casting the evil eye, or damaging them.
Why is the threshold salted?
In what cases is it customary to sprinkle salt right on the doorstep? The answer is many:
- After the death of a loved one, some people feel that a spirit is walking around the apartment, knocking on windows and doors. A deceased person may often have nightmares and call to him. In such cases, an iron nail is driven into the threshold and a white salt path is spread under the door and windows.
- In the old days, people believed that newborn children were hunted by evil spirits. In order to hide the child, they often said that the child had died. Prickly and burning plants (thorns, nettles) were planted under the windows, and garlic and salt were scattered in front of the threshold.
- It has long been believed that with the help of salt you can clean clothes, household items and your home from negative energy. They threw it in the corners, washed things, washed the floor with saline solution. After an ill-wisher came to visit, it was customary to sprinkle salt at the door - where the person stood before leaving the house.
- Feeling negativity on the part of a certain person, they used salt to return all his evil, for which the offender was poured the seasoning under the threshold or right under his feet.
Salt is often used in protective and cleansing rituals. But it also happens that she is talked into negativity. The lining can be found under thresholds, entrance mats, in clothing pockets, in door frames and window frames. Salt can be mixed with grave soil, feathers, and animal bones.
"Salt" rituals
There are many beliefs associated with “white gold”. Old people say:
- “You can’t leave the salt shaker open - the devil won’t spit.”
- “If you spill salt, you need to laugh, otherwise there will be a quarrel.”
Also popular wisdom says:
- If there is trouble in the house, you need to salt every corner.
- A quarrel between spouses - a bag of salt under the pillow will help to reconcile.
- To ensure prosperity in the house, use only a wooden salt shaker and keep it in the center of the table.
- To help household members get along, throw a pinch of salt under each bed.
- To ensure that children grow up smart, healthy and beautiful, add a small pinch of salt to their bathing water.
It is believed that salt calcined in an oven with wood ash on Holy Thursday has a special healing power.
Unusual properties
Many people know salt as a universal seasoning for savory dishes - meat, vegetables, cereals. But in reality its application is much wider. Sodium chloride, of which it is predominantly composed, is used to prepare a medical isotonic solution, similar in composition to human blood. In addition, it has disinfectant properties and prevents water from freezing.
Salt has a rich history. It is believed that the first acquaintance with the substance occurred in a sea lagoon. The salt water evaporated in the sun left a crystalline residue.
Having discovered salt for the first time, a person noticed some oddities: being a stone, it dissolves in water, crackles in fire, prevents food from spoiling and wounds from rotting. In this regard, miraculous properties began to be attributed to her not only among the people, but also in many religions:
- According to popular belief, it is a powerful amulet against the forces of evil. It was used to protect against ghosts and spirits. It is believed that they do not eat salt.
- Among the Slavs, the seasoning enjoyed special honor and was considered a symbol of goodness and hospitality. According to one version, the word “salt” comes from the ancient Slavic name for the sun – “Solon”.
- “Bread and salt” - these words have long been used to greet dear guests and wish the newlyweds a happy life.
- Seasoning made the Aztecs the rulers of the country. Indian tribes did not know how to extract it and were afraid that trade with them would be stopped. The substance even had its own goddess - Huixtocihuatl.
- In biblical stories, salt crystals are mentioned as a symbol of fidelity and holiness. “You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its strength, then what will you use to make it salty?” - Jesus Christ said to his disciples.
Questions and answers
How to clean a house with salt?
If quarrels break out in the house every now and then, people often get sick, and plants wither, then it would be useful to clean it. The easiest way is to add salt to water at the rate of 1 glass per 5 liters and wash all surfaces: floors, doors, windows, mirrors, hard furniture. This should be done with the windows and doors open, reading the words of the “Our Father” prayer. At the end, you should rub salt crystals on your body and rinse them off with warm water. To protect against negativity, you can pour a handful of salt in the corners and on the threshold.
What to do if salt was poured under your door?
Finding a lining is a great success.After its neutralization, the sufferer can breathe easy. It is important not to touch the spoiled product with your hands, but to collect it on a piece of paper and burn it away from home with the words: “Where it came from, return to it. Let it be so".
Many people begin to wonder about the magical properties of salt after seeing someone else sprinkle it on their doorstep. “Why is the floor of the house salted? Why did they dump it under my door?” The reasons may be different. If salt crystals are scattered on your territory by unfamiliar people, it is quite possible that they are planning something bad. And old relatives may try to protect their home or clean it in this way.
I believe
I believe
I believe
Began to believe
Yes I believe you
Where and how to remove the salt from the threshold that you yourself poured?
Yes I believe you
Of course I believe, because magic exists, this is written to you by someone who never believed in God or Satan before!
My husband and I started arguing a lot. For all sorts of trifles. And there was just intense energy in the apartment. Even my friends noticed when they came. I washed everything with salt. And believe it or not, everything worked out that way. And everything is calm with my husband. And home is nice and cozy again.