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Frozen kefir turns into a delicacy: I tell you what I cook from it

I bought 7 packs of kefir on sale. I couldn't resist the cheap price. To prevent it from spoiling, I threw it in the freezer. A friend once let it slip that you can make very tasty dishes from frozen kefir.

Frozen kefir

Recipe No. 1: Tender curd and spread for sandwiches

Previously, I cooked homemade cottage cheese on the stove, heating sour milk and draining it in a colander. But it turns out there is a much better recipe. Cottage cheese made from frozen kefir is softer, tastier, and there is more of it. A 1 liter bag yields 400 g of curd.

Delicate curd and spread for sandwiches

How to cook:

  1. Cut the package of frozen kefir (it should lie in the freezer for at least a day).
  2. Thaw in a colander, sieve or cheesecloth over a saucepan
  3. Wait until all the liquid has drained from the kefir. This will happen in 2-24 hours.
  4. Transfer the curd into a plate. You can sweeten it slightly or salt it, as you like.
  5. The drained whey is also not thrown away, but is used to prepare okroshka or bake pancakes.

Curd made from frozen kefir is good to use as a filling for pancakes, served with pancakes. The sandwiches are very tasty: loaf, tender cottage cheese, greens and red salted fish.


Advice. To get more cottage cheese, you need to wrap frozen kefir in gauze folded in several layers.

It is correct to defrost kefir in the refrigerator. But it takes a long time. It can thaw for a day.I do this - I wrap frozen kefir in 4-5 layers of gauze and hang it over a bowl. At room temperature, the curd separates completely in 2-3 hours.

Recipe No. 2: Ice cream

The favorite treat of children and adults is homemade ice cream. Making frozen kefir is as easy as shelling pears. Recipe:

  1. Thaw frozen kefir in gauze.
  2. Using a blender, beat the curd mass with strawberry syrup, your favorite jam or just preserves.
  3. Fill the molds. I use special ice cream molds, but regular plastic cups will work.
  4. Place in the freezer for 4 hours.

Instead of jam, you can take fresh berries and fruits, add vanillin, chocolate chips, condensed milk, Nutella. The children are delighted. They ask you to make ice cream, not buy it.

Kefir ice cream

Recipe No. 3: Crispy dessert for breakfast

Many people know this dessert as “lazy cheesecakes.”

It looks unprepossessing, but the taste is incomparable. And most importantly, the ingredients are simple and inexpensive. For cooking I take:

  • 1 liter of frozen kefir;
  • 150 g frozen berries: pitted cherries, blueberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries or others;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 loaf;
  • 1 glass of milk and 1 packet of vanilla, optional.

Crispy dessert for breakfast

The loaf can be used even if it is stale or slightly weathered. Recipe:

  1. Wrap frozen kefir in cheesecloth and leave to drain.
  2. Mix the separated curd with sugar and vanilla.
  3. Beat the egg into the mixture and mix.
  4. Rinse frozen berries from ice.
  5. Cut the loaf into slices as usual.
  6. If you have milk, pour it into a bowl and dip the loaf slices.
  7. Place the loaf on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  8. Generously spread each slice with curd mixture. Place 5-7 berries on top.
  9. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese

I usually put kefir to defrost in the evening before going to bed. And in the morning I start preparing dessert. 10-15 minutes, and a delicious breakfast is ready. The loaf browns and crisps pleasantly, and the berries release juice. Consolidation!

Of course, frozen kefir can be added to any baked goods instead of fresh. You can cook pies and pies on it (my favorite ones are with potatoes and onions!). My husband even manages to drink it. He says it's just as delicious. But personally, I don't like drinking whey with white lumps. Yes, and beneficial bacteria die when frozen. But using it for desserts is just right!

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