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Fried persimmon on toast. Tasty and fast, but the guests thought it was salmon

Surely you love persimmons and enjoy them with pleasure. But have you tried fried persimmons on sandwiches? If not, today I will teach you how to cook this simple and at the same time unusual dish.

The advantage of such sandwiches is that they turn out to be sweet, tasty, filling and much healthier than the cakes and pastries that you reach for in the store. However, they also have one drawback - once you try them, you will want to cook them every day.

Fried persimmon on toast

Choosing the right persimmon

Persimmon comes in different varieties. Moreover, not only in taste, but also in hardness. Most of my friends have a false association - they say that what we fry should under no circumstances be soft. Otherwise, it will “spread” throughout the pan and you can forget about sandwiches. Therefore, when they come to the store, they choose the most unripe fruits, making a huge mistake. Hard - read unripe - persimmon does not have a pleasant taste. It is overly tart, sometimes without any hint of sweetness. During the frying process, no magic will happen to it; on the contrary, its pulp will acquire an unpleasant aroma and turn out to be completely inedible.

Choosing the right persimmon

The right persimmon for sandwiches should be fully ripened. But not jelly-like, but dense (as much as possible). If you have a choice, it is advisable to prefer varieties such as Korolek and Shokoladnaya - their taste is best revealed after frying.

Please note that overripe fruits are not suitable for our purpose - firstly, they have a too delicate, even liquid structure, and secondly, they are too sweet and the sugar contained in their pulp will not caramelize during the cooking process, instead it will start burn and char.

But the size of the fruit does not matter. If you want, choose large fruits; if you want, take the smaller ones.

ingredients for toast


So, you bought a persimmon, brought it home, washed it and put it on the table. It's time to start making sandwiches. And for them, in addition to fruits, you will need:

  • White wheat bread with a “fluffy” crumb, cut into pieces about 8 mm thick and toasted in a toaster or dried on both sides in a frying pan. Just don't turn it into a cracker, your goal is to get a thin crust.
  • Soft pickled cheese - for example, feta or Adyghe.
  • Optional: sprigs of fresh basil for decoration and honey.

You also cannot do without a grill pan or an electric grill. It is on this that we will fry the persimmons. It is difficult to achieve a similar effect in a regular frying pan - the bottom heats up unevenly, and besides, it is flat and not grooved.

Let me immediately note that there is no need to lubricate the surface of the grill with oil. If you do this, the taste of the fruit will not change for the better (for the same reason, persimmons are never fried in oil like potatoes).

When starting cooking, you should first turn on the electric grill or place the frying pan on the stove. While it is heating up, you will have time to cut the persimmon into slices about 1 cm thick. Do this with a sharp knife with a thin blade - a fillet is ideal for “cutting” these fruits.


Then everything is simple:

1. Place persimmons in a frying pan

  1. Place persimmons on the grill or frying pan
  2. Wait for beautiful golden stripes to appear.
  3. Remove cooked pieces from grill to plate. To prevent them from falling apart, pry them off by running a spatula along the grooved ribs on the bottom of the pan.

Remove cooked pieces from grill to plate

Now all that remains is to assemble sandwiches from the prepared ingredients:

1. Spread cheese on prepared slices of bread

  1. Spread the cheese onto the prepared slices of bread.
  2. Place persimmons on top.
  3. If you like it sweeter, add a little honey on top.
  4. Garnish each sandwich with basil leaves.

honey for a sandwich

That's all, you can enjoy the original, unlike anything else, but so divine taste.

You can serve persimmon sandwiches with black tea without sugar - regular or with bergamot.

Fried persimmon on a sandwich with tea

These sandwiches should be prepared immediately before serving. This way, the crust on the bread will remain crispy, the cheese will not have time to dry out, and the persimmon will not shrink and will retain its appetizing appearance.


Have you tried roasting persimmons for sandwiches?
  1. Irina

    Interesting, I'll have to try it!


