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It turned out that you need to drink tea with lemon differently

Brew some fragrant tea, cut off a slice of lemon, put it in boiling water... Do you think this is right? But no! Vitamin tea is drunk in a completely different way. I didn’t believe it myself when I heard it – but it’s true!

Tea and lemon

What is the problem

Lemon contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. B1, B2, P, E - and a sea of ​​ascorbic acid. There is also copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, flavonoids and phytoncides - they protect against pathogens. Lemon helps with vitamin deficiency, reduces blood pressure, and improves immunity. This miracle citrus even lifts your spirits - thanks to essential oils!

But there is a nuance. Many useful substances are contained not in the sour juice, but in the bitter zest. Therefore, if there is citrus, then it is whole, with a crust. So that all useful substances enter the body.

Woman drinking hot tea

How do we drink tea with lemon? Squeeze out the juice, stir - and you're done. In extreme cases, we can eat the pulp if we sprinkle it with sugar.

And this is the wrong way!

How to get the most out of citrus

You can, of course, just fish out a slice of lemon and eat the whole thing. But it is bitter, sour and not tasty at all. At first I did this.

  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly so that there is no dirt left on the crust.
  2. I wrap the fruit in cling film and put it in the freezer. You can do it without film, but then a thin layer of ice will form on the crust, which will then interfere.
  3. I wait 10-12 hours. But then look at the power of the freezer. I have an old refrigerator, but maybe your lemon will freeze in 3 hours.
  4. I grate the citrus on a coarse grater. I rub the whole thing - both the pulp and the peel, I just throw away the seeds. The lemon feels like an icicle, so I put an oven mitten on my hand. If you don't have one, just wrap the fruit in a clean towel.
  5. I mix the grated lemon, put it in ice trays and return it to the refrigerator.

Frozen crushed lemon

And when I make tea, I take out an ice cube of citrus and put it in a cup. The smell is amazing! Grated lemon smells much stronger than regular lemon, cut into slices. And the tea has a richer taste - sour, spicy. If you add honey, it’s absolutely beautiful.

I drink some tea, and then use a spoon to finish off the grated citrus that has settled to the bottom. By this time it is not bitter at all - it has given all its taste to the boiling water.

Option for the lazy

Recently I got lazy and started grinding lemons in a blender. I wash it, cut it into large pieces and throw it into the bowl. Zip – and the lemon puree is ready. True, then you have to wash the blender - but what can you do?

Grinding lemon in a blender

But I came up with new recipes for healing tea!

  • With rose hips. I collect ripe rose hips in the fall - there is a sea in our parks and in the plantings of wild bushes, so I don’t waste time on walks. Wash the berries, dry them with a towel and grind them together with lemon.
  • With sea buckthorn. I buy a glass of berries, mash them with a fork and cover them with sugar to release the juice and soften them. Then I mix it with citrus fruits and freeze it.
  • With ginger. I take a small root, wash it, clean it and grind it. This tea is the first thing to do when you have a cold, especially with honey.
  • With raspberries. I grind the berries with sugar, mix them with lemon and put them in the freezer. This is such a delicious tea - better than any oolong.

Various berries for tea

So, by the way, any berries can be used - blueberries, strawberries, black currants, cloudberries.

Drink delicious tea, recharge with vitamins and don’t get sick!

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