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How long can freshly squeezed juice be stored in the refrigerator by hours and minutes?

Can freshly squeezed juice be stored in the refrigerator, or is it a product for immediate consumption? Fresh is a multi-healthy drink that requires a special approach both in storage and consumption.

Fresh is a multi-healthy drink

Can freshly squeezed juice be stored and for how long?

Fresh juice has a short shelf life, which is why stores sell drinks with preservative additives, or this product should be consumed within 24 hours. Nutrition experts generally do not recommend storing fresh juices.

The more sugars a fruit or vegetable contains, the faster the fresh juice from it begins to ferment. And vice versa, the more vitamin C - a natural preservative - the longer the drink will last.

Juice in the refrigerator

At home, it’s easy to get tasty and healthy fresh juice, but keep in mind that preparing such a product for future use is impossible. Either boil the liquid and add various additives, and then put it in jars for the winter, or use it right away.

It is usually recommended to drink any juices 10-30 minutes after squeezing. The only exception is beet juice: it will become healthier if, after squeezing, it infuses for 3 hours.

Fruit drinks

Tips for storing different fruit, vegetable and berry juices

It is better to pour any juice from fresh fruits, berries or vegetables into glass or ceramic containers. In extreme cases, a sterilized plastic bottle will do. Do not forget to tightly close the container with a lid: the less contact with air, the slower the oxidation.

Advice from the magazine purity-en.htgetrid.com: if you cannot drink freshly squeezed juice in its pure form, then whip up a milkshake based on it, mix several types of fruits, add sugar and cinnamon.

General rule
Freshly squeezed juice can be stored for a maximum of 24 hours in the refrigerator. At room temperature, fresh vegetable juices spoil the fastest, followed by fruit juices.

Juicer and apples

Some tips for storing popular types of fresh juice:

  1. Of the fruit juices, apple juice deteriorates the fastest: due to its reaction with air, it begins to darken, just like fresh fruits. To slow down this process, fresh lemon juice is added to the fresh juice. This component will extend the shelf life of apple juice to 1 day.
  2. Orange juice and other citrus pomace can be stored for up to 2 days, which is relatively long. But be sure to place the bottle in the refrigerator. By the way, drinking cold juice is much more pleasant.
  3. Lemon juice is the leader in vitamin C content and can sit on the refrigerator door for 3 days. Another “long-lasting” fresh juice is pineapple.
  4. Sweet apricot juice spoils very quickly; keep it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 hours.
  5. It is better to dilute fresh kiwi with water 1:1, as it is too rich in acids.
  6. Carrot juice is better absorbed if you drink it immediately after squeezing (maximum 20-30 minutes later), and also combine it with something fatty: vegetable oil, cream or sour cream. The fact is that carotene needs to be combined with fats in order for the body to synthesize vitamin A. And fresh carrots are drunk precisely because of this component: it supports the organs of vision and skin tone.
  7. Juice from fresh cabbage, which is considered medicinal, is generally not stored outside the refrigerator.
  8. Keep the beetroot juice in a cold place for 2-3 hours and then drink. This way you will get more benefits.The maximum shelf life of vegetable elixir is 2 days.
  9. It is recommended to pour tomato juice into a glass bottle and drink it within 18 hours.
  10. Fresh berry juices begin to ferment quickly, so you should drink them in the first half of the day.
  11. Fruit and vegetable mixes are stored for no more than 24 hours, even if citrus was used.

Fresh juices from fruits and vegetables

Due to the abundance of acids in the composition, many nutritionists recommend diluting the finished fresh juice with water. When we eat fruits, the percentage of acids in the pulp is lower. The recommended serving per day for an adult does not exceed 1-2 glasses. Wash down fresh juices with clean water or rinse your mouth, as they negatively affect tooth enamel.

The shelf life of freshly squeezed juice can only be slightly extended by refrigeration. And if you’re into healthy smoothies, try pouring the fresh juice into ice cube trays so you can add fruit ice to your cocktails for a couple of months.

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  1. Sffa

    Don't carry it

  2. Varvara

    Thanks to the author, this is useful information for me, as I love freshly squeezed juices.


