“Calm, just calm”: 9 ways to collect the necessary small parts from the floor without nerves

Oh God! The floor is strewn with small parts. Perhaps I’ll have to turn into Cinderella again and collect everything “grain by grain”? But no. Resourceful housewives instantly solve the problem with a vacuum cleaner and a sock. If you need to collect glass from the floor, arm yourself with paper towels or tape. There are other life hacks.

scattered beads

Necessary little things: collect from the floor in 2 minutes

You need to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and put a sock on the tube instead.

collecting beads with a vacuum cleaner

We fix the edge of the sock with an elastic band for money. We tuck the “pocket” inside the tube.

hand-made nozzle for a vacuum cleaner

Now you can put anything into it.

collecting small beads and sequins with a vacuum cleaner

collect beads with a sock and a vacuum cleaner

For example, scattered:

  • plants' seeds;
  • puzzles;
  • matches;
  • beads and seed beads;
  • sparkles.

By the way, this method can be used to search for something small on a long-pile carpet. For example, a ring or earrings.

The main thing is not to turn off the vacuum cleaner until you turn the tube vertically. Otherwise everything will spill out onto the floor again.

collected beads in a sock pocket

If there are a lot of items, you can use a golf or nylon stocking.

Using a sticky roller

collect beads with a sticky roller

A sticky roller for cleaning clothes can help you pick up small amounts of small items from the carpet or floor.We just hold it in the place where the change was scattered.

beads on an adhesive roller for cleaning clothes

And scrape it into a bowl with the blunt side of a knife. It turns out very quickly.

remove the beads from the sticky roller into a plate

Removing confetti, feathers and foam

feathers and fluff on the floor

Paper, feathers and foam balls are very light and sticky. They can take over the entire home in the blink of an eye, stick to furniture, clothes, and get into the most hidden corners. This is due to the static electricity that they accumulate.
To quickly collect confetti, foam and feathers, lightly mist them with water from a spray bottle. Then use a vacuum cleaner without an attachment.

Wetting feathers and foam balls scattered on the floor with water

Advice. If you plan to reuse confetti, feathers, and foam, vacuum them up after emptying and washing the dust container.

Using water and a rag

Sometimes it’s not possible to use a vacuum cleaner: it’s broken, the electricity has been cut off, you can’t make noise... In such a situation, water and a rag will help.

Need to:

  1. Pour some water into a basin and some into a spray bottle.
  2. We spray it from above onto the flying disgrace.
  3. We take a rag in our hands, wet it in a basin and collect everything on it.
  4. Periodically rinse the cloth in water.
    bowl with water and garbage
  5. When the work is finished, cover the basin with the same rag and filter the water into the toilet.
  6. All foam (feathers, confetti) will remain in the basin.

Cleaning up broken glass: the shards don't stand a chance

Many housewives are afraid to collect glass shards with a vacuum cleaner. This may indeed be unsafe. Sharp glass being forcefully sucked in can damage parts and cause holes in the dust bin. Another thing is a vacuum cleaner with a plastic container.
The fastest way to pick up broken glass is with a rigid body vacuum cleaner. It is enough to remove the nozzle so that the fragments do not get stuck in the bristles.
In order not to miss anything, the higher-level objects are vacuumed first: a table, a sofa, a closet (when a light bulb explodes). Then the fragments are removed from the baseboards. They move from the periphery to the center. Particular attention is paid to the areas around the legs of furniture and carpets.

Advice. A small carpet or rug should be carefully rolled into a roll (envelope) and taken outside. There it needs to be beaten out well with a beater from the wrong side. If the carpet is wet, dry it before beating.

Using a wet cloth

Wet cleaning is the most reliable way to get rid of small glass fragments. They quickly stick to wet fabric. But it’s better to take a rag not a new one, but an old one, which is high time to throw away. The fragments get stuck between the fibers of the fabric and are difficult to rinse out. The best thing to do is to throw it away immediately after cleaning. You can use rags.

Using paper towels

If you don’t have an extra rag, paper towels will come to the rescue. You need to spread the sheets on the floor and lightly moisten them with a spray bottle. Small pieces will stick to the wet paper. After this, you will need to rake it with your hands and throw it in the trash.

Using tape

Adhesive tape will help you collect glass from a small area (floor or carpet). It is best to use ordinary stationery tape. The adhesive layer on it is quite tenacious, and the width allows you to collect many fragments at once.
You need to glue strips of tape to the surface, press well, and then remove. All fragments will remain on the tape.

Using bread crumb

The old grandfather's way. Bread crumb can be used to remove glass from short-pile carpet. The bread should be lightly moistened with water and rolled into a fairly large ball. It should turn out plastic and soft.After this, put on gloves made of thick fabric and roll the bread crumb over the carpet. The fragments collect on the ball. At the same time, the carpet pile does not deteriorate and remains clean.

Questions and answers

Why can't paper confetti be collected with a wet cloth?
Colored paper confetti can be dyed. In addition, the paper gets wet and turns into pulp, which is smeared on the floor.

Why can't you vacuum up foil confetti?
Under the influence of hot air, the material can melt and stick in hard-to-reach places.

The story of Cinderella, sorting grains grain by grain, teaches girls patience. In the fairy tale, thankless work is more than rewarded. But in real life everything is different. When you pick up something small with your hands, you risk turning into an “angry, dissatisfied stepmother” with curses escaping and burnt food on the stove.

It’s better not to waste your time and nerves and use simple life hacks. The exception is scattered matches. If you need to get rid of excess volume in the abdominal area, try collecting matches one at a time. They say that daily exercises with matches help you remove up to 8 cm from your waist in 2 weeks!

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