3 non-obvious ways to use metal sponges for washing dishes

Kitchen sponges are convenient for removing hard deposits on dishes. What about non-standard uses? There are several practical ideas that will surprise not only you, but also your husband.

Brushed wood

Wood finishing (brushing)

A metal sponge for washing dishes will be an excellent help in making a stylish wooden shelf or bench. It will help make fresh boards expressive. The colorful structure of tree rings will appear on the surface.

Brushed wood application in the interior

Brushing is also called “artificial aging”. Time affects wood in a similar way. Artificially aged wood looks impressive on solid floorboards, parquet, stairs, doors, home furniture, and decorative interior items.

Metal sponge for washing dishes

In factory conditions, processing is performed on special brushing machines. We will limit ourselves to a minimum of materials.


  • soft metal sponges – 3-7 pcs.;
  • gas-burner;
  • gas cylinder;
  • lighter.

How to age wood:

  1. We burn the boards with a torch until they crack.
  2. Carefully comb out the burnt layer using metal sponges.

Firing the board with a torch

Then the wood can be coated with varnish or linseed oil.

Oiling wood

If the final product will be used outdoors (for example, a bench), then the oil must be additionally boiled with the same burner.

Cleaning the Soldering Iron Tip

Instead of buying a special wire sponge to clean your soldering iron, you can visit the kitchen or the nearest hardware store. Kitchen metal scrapers cope with cleaning the tip just as well.

It is enough to pierce the sponge with a sting several times (move it back and forth) and the surface will sparkle like new. Next, we squeeze the washcloth over the trash can, and all the plaque spills out of it. All materials are clean!

By the way, a special sponge costs $8, and a kitchen sponge costs $1. The difference, as they say, is obvious.

Oil catcher for cars

Every driver knows why an oil catcher is needed in a car. It protects engine components from engine oil (turbine, throttle valve, etc.). After a run of 50 thousand km, it must be replaced. You can save money and make an oil trap with your own hands from metal sponges. Its cost will be about 700 rubles.

DIY oil catcher made from metal sponges

For production you will need:

  • 2 kitchen metal sponges;
  • the cheapest water filter;
  • corner adapters;
  • fitting;
  • clamps;
  • hose.

What do we have to do:

  1. We empty the water filter and put our washcloths inside
  2. We screw the corner adapters on the sides.
  3. We connect in the reverse order as for water filtration.

Details in the video:

Unexpected use of a sponge in the household

The following ideas are not so practical, but quite interesting. What you can do with a kitchen metal sponge:

  • Close the bathtub drain while washing your dog. She will collect all the wool on herself. You won't have to worry about the pipe getting clogged.
  • Close openings through which rodents enter the house. They do not chew metal, so this protection is quite reliable.
  • Secure the loose screw.Wrap a thin layer of metal mesh on top and insert it back. The method will also help with broken threads.
  • Light a fire. If you press a battery onto a sponge made of very fine metal mesh, sparks will appear. Then all that’s left to do is add paper and firewood.

Questions and answers

What to do with old steel wool?

A washcloth, which has already begun to crumble, will help bring old, dull scissors back to life. Spread the mesh to form a thin layer and chop it finely and finely for 30-40 seconds. Check how scissors cut on paper. Please note that this method does not replace sharpening. Soon the scissors will become dull again.

What else can you clean with a metal sponge besides dishes?

Trays, barbecue net, hood. With its help you can remove rust from pipes, old peeling paint from wood, putty from the wall. To avoid tearing the skin off your hands, grab the washcloth with pliers.

The iron assistant is much more versatile than many people think. It will be useful for men in the garage and home workshop. With its help you can solve various everyday difficulties. Use your wits and come up with your own unconventional way to use a metal sponge!

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