How and with what you can wash washable wallpaper in the kitchen - select the product for the type of stains

How and with what can you wash washable wallpaper so as not to spoil the appearance of the wall? We recommend a damp cloth and gentle, non-abrasive cleaning products.

wallpaper cleaning

What wallpaper can withstand washing?

The marking on the roll indicates whether the wallpaper will withstand wet cleaning or not:

  • 1 wave — the product must be cleaned dry;
  • 2 waves - this is washable wallpaper, but it does not tolerate frequent wet cleaning, and a wet cloth can instantly ruin it;
  • 3 waves — super washable rolls that can be cleaned wet using household chemicals;
  • 3 waves and a crest - coating resistant to washing, chemicals and friction.

Marking on the roll

The following types of moisture-resistant wallpaper are available:

  • vinyl with foamed coating and fixed with inhibitors;
  • silkscreen printing;
  • vinyl on non-woven backing;
  • acrylic;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • metal;
  • wax-coated (usually cork).

Inexpensive vinyl wallpaper is a popular option for wall decoration; you can use it to update a nursery or hallway. However, rolls do not tolerate friction, so washing should be carried out with extreme care and without household chemicals. How to remove a pen from wallpaper without wasting your nerves and without anger towards your beloved child? It is best to use dry cleaning or wiping with a damp cloth.

Wallpaper in the kitchen

Compact vinyl products with a flat surface are more practical in everyday life.They can be washed with a soapy solution and a brush, but wallpaper does not tolerate acidic solutions and abrasive substances well.

Foamed vinyl has a textured structure that is damaged by mechanical stress; it is not recommended to rub such products too hard.

When purchasing in an inconspicuous place, run a damp cloth or lightly use your fingernail along the front side of the sample roll. If the wallpaper is of high quality, the paint and decorative layer will not be damaged.

If you don't remember what markings were on the wallpaper, magazine recommends checking the durability of the coating in an inconspicuous place. Lightly dampen the wallpaper with your chosen detergent under the radiator. If the color and structure do not change, calmly proceed to stain removal.

Washing and cleaning wallpaper

What to wash with

For minor stains, wallpaper can be cleaned at home using the following compounds:

  1. Soda. 1 tbsp. Mix the spoon thoroughly in a liter of warm water. Wipe the contaminated area with a sponge or soft rag.
  2. Soap. Laundry soap shavings or dishwashing liquid are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Moisten a sponge with foam and wipe the stains. After treatment, the solution must be washed off the wall with clean water.

Soap and baking soda for cleaning

How to get rid of grease stains

Traces of grease, soot, and food splashes appear in the kitchen over time. How to remove fresh and old fat:

  1. Citric acid. Dissolve 4 tbsp in 200 ml of water. spoons of powder. Moisten a section of wallpaper with the product and leave for 5 minutes. Then the treatment is repeated. The remaining acid is washed off with clean water.
  2. Talcum powder or baby powder. The powder absorbs fat remarkably. It is applied to a dry sponge and treated with the dirty part or sprinkled from a dispenser. Leave on the wall for 15 minutes and remove with a soft brush or foam rubber.
  3. Alcohol. It copes with many stains, including grease, felt-tip pens, and stickers. To clean wallpaper, a piece of cloth is generously moistened with liquid and applied to the stain. Move with wetting movements from the edges to the center of the stain or area of ​​contamination.
  4. span class=”bol”>Bread crumb. The gluten contained in bread copes remarkably well with greasy stains.
  5. Washing powder for white laundry. It will help remove soot from the walls. To get rid of dirt, the product is diluted in water and the wallpaper is wiped.

How to clean a pen from a wall

Parents of young artists often encounter stains from pens, felt-tip pens, and markers. Vinegar essence copes best with them. How to remove a pen from wallpaper without wasting your nerves and without anger towards your beloved child? Several crystals of potassium permanganate are placed in a 70% solution of essence until it turns pink. Moisten a section of wallpaper pointwise and leave for 15 minutes. The pink stain that appears is removed with hydrogen peroxide. If the dirt cannot be removed the first time, the treatment is repeated after a couple of days.

pen marks on the wallpaper

Vinegar essence is extremely caustic and deadly if, God forbid, it is swallowed. Therefore, keep it in the farthest corner of the cabinet, and keep the prepared cleaning solution in your sight.

A few recommendations

To properly remove dirt from the wall, use the following recommendations:

  1. It is convenient to obtain rich foam for moderately wet cleaning by stirring the detergent with a mixer.
  2. You should not rub the wallpaper with great zeal: although the coating is resistant to pressure, the base itself may not be able to withstand it.
  3. Do not wet the joints, otherwise the fabrics will most likely come apart at the seams.
  4. After treating the surface, do not allow a draft: the wallpaper may peel off.
  5. Despite the moisture resistance, it is still not recommended to wet the wall finishing generously.
  6. Repeated washing should be carried out only after the wall surface has completely dried.

When choosing any method of washing wallpaper, try to carry out the treatment carefully so as not to damage its surface and base.

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  1. Antonina

    I washed the wallpaper in the kitchen from greasy stains with citric acid. Now like new.


