Grass for animals without peat and chemicals
Not everyone can even imagine that grass for pets can grow without special soil and chemical additives. But I can boast of the successful completion of such an experiment. Now I will constantly use the new method, and a special germinator, purchased on the advice of a neighbor, will help me with this. However, first things first.
Who needs this herb?
I have a real living corner in my house. Children love to play with animals, and we are happy because it instills in kids kindness, compassion, and a sense of responsibility. You have to constantly take care of your “zoo”. Previously, we had to buy pots of grass from the pet store for the cat, parrots and guinea pig.
It turned out to be quite expensive. I was thinking about starting to sow the seeds myself, but I wasn’t too confident in the success of the undertaking, so I kept putting it off. In the end, my neighbor encouraged me to plant grass. We talked on the landing about pets, and she told me that you can order a special germinator on the Internet.
It was with the help of this miracle tray that a neighbor was able to grow grass for cats at home. Greens provide poultry and animals with the necessary supplements to their diet, because in apartment conditions they cannot find vitamins and minerals on their own. Cats also cleanse their stomachs with grass by eating it and then regurgitating it.And how our guinea pig rejoices in the lush greenery. I understand her, I myself love fresh salads.
Budgerigars also readily feast on grass and no longer encroach on indoor flowers. Previously, our chlorophytum had a great time. Sometimes we treated them to parsley and dill from our table. Now there is no need to take special care to ensure that vitamins are present in the birds’ diet. They readily peck the grass, remaining slim and healthy. Still, even the most elite food will not completely replace “live food”. Additional supplements are required.
What kind of grass can you buy?
Grass for animals is sold by seeds. It is not necessary to chase a product from an imported manufacturer. You can also germinate domestic seeds at a price of 35 rubles per package. They are sold in any pet store, and you can also find them in the FixPrice network. The package contains not just one type of grass, but a mixture of different crops that pets will enjoy.
Most often the composition includes seeds:
- wheat;
- barley;
- wiki;
- oats;
- millet;
- rye.
All these crops are capable of quickly producing greens and are absolutely not demanding in care. A package weighing 75 g will be enough for several sowings, even if sowed densely. Next I’ll tell you how I did it.
How and how much to germinate?
I bought the grass, ordered the Eremon sprouter on the website and began to wait. Soon the order arrived, by this time I was already eager to try out the newfangled container. By the way, in this thing you can germinate not only cat grass, but also microgreens for your table. I read that very young grass contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.
This germinator consists of a light green tray and a white mesh insert.The manufacturer indicates that the plastic from which the product is made is completely safe, so you don’t have to worry about your smaller brothers. The packaging also contains instructions for use. However, there is nothing complicated in the process of germinating greens.
The grass is planted in stages:
I placed the seeds in a green tray and filled them with bottled water to swell.
After 3 hours, I drained the water and transferred the wet seeds to a white mesh. Clean water was again poured into the lower part of the germinator. Its level should be such that the seeds barely touch the moisture. I covered the mesh with a sheet of paper on top and sprayed it with water from a spray bottle.
As soon as the paper dried, it again had to be moistened with a sprayer.
After the seedlings grew by 1 cm, I removed the paper sheet.
Caring for greens is very simple. Instead of watering, the grass should be sprayed with a spray bottle. Replace the water in the green tray with fresh water periodically, as it can spoil. Greens grow quickly. Already on the 4-5th day you can offer a tasting to the mustachioed striped ones.
For pigs, a larger volume is needed, so you have to wait 10 days. If you pour the seeds into a net in a continuous carpet, the seedlings will be dense.
No additional lighting or fertilizer is needed. The seed contains a supply of nutrients that allows the grass to grow to the desired height and density. After my pets ate the greens for once, I started planting again. As a result, I launched several such cycles in a row.
Try this method too, I assure you that you will not be disappointed. You shouldn’t throw away money on already grown grass, if you can get fresh greens every 5-10 days by paying mere pennies for seeds.If you have children, they will enjoy watching each seed grow into a green sprout. Mine run to the window every morning.
I also have grass-loving guinea pigs at home, and I also have a cat. I'll have to try to germinate the grass myself. Otherwise, the nearest pet store doesn’t sell it, so you have to go specially for it.