How to make a sock print without scissors and a needle in 5 seconds?
How often have you had to put on sneakers or shoes on your bare feet because the tracks got lost somewhere or you simply forgot to buy them? You won’t have to repeat this bitter experience again, because there is a life hack with socks that will save you from such misunderstandings in the future.
Method 1 - without scissors
It happens that traces are needed right here and now, but there is nowhere to get them. If you have regular socks on hand, you can make a mini version out of them in a matter of seconds. In this case, no tools are needed, and the appearance of the socks will not be affected.
When choosing socks to turn into socks, give preference to:
- thin (not necessarily dimensionless), otherwise the roll formed on the sole from the “extra” material will greatly reduce the size of your shoes and will interfere with walking;
- those who have a long boot, and the larger the size of your foot, the longer the boot should be - otherwise the foot will begin to squeeze your foot, causing discomfort.
Step-by-step instruction
All the steps are very simple, you just need to get used to it to know what height of the trail will be comfortable for you personally:
- Put the sock on as you always do.
- Then start filming it. Stop when only your fingers remain closed.
- Fold the remaining part of the shaft over the sole.
- Pull the elastic band that was previously placed on the shin over the heel.
- Do the same with the sock on the other leg.
Due to the fact that the heel is formed from elastic, such footprints do not slip while walking. However, they turn out to be double, so on a hot day they can cause discomfort, and they will also make your shoes or sneakers half a size smaller. If you often have to wear closed shoes in the summer, you shouldn’t count on this life hack; it’s better to buy several pairs of factory-made thin soles.
Method 2 - requires minimal sewing skills
When talking about how to make a footprint out of a sock, one cannot fail to mention a more complex, but at the same time practical method. It is suitable for people who have minimal sewing skills and have enough time left (the work can take from 30 to 40 minutes). But the result will be real footprints - comfortable, thin, and the right size for you.
Before starting work, prepare:
- a needle;
- threads matching the color (No. 40);
- elastic thread;
- scissors;
- felt-tip pen with not very contrasting ink;
- a pair of socks.
Detailed job description
First of all, try on your socks and make sure they fit you, or better yet, they fit snugly. On long socks, the extra two or three millimeters of fabric are almost invisible and do not interfere at all. But if you turn such a pair into heels, they will begin to slide off your feet, and you will have to adjust your heel every now and then so that the shoes do not rub.
When the preparatory part is completed, proceed to the main work:
- Put on your socks.
- Determine the optimal heel and toe height.
- Using a felt-tip pen, mark each sock without removing it from the foot to mark the cutting line.
- Take off your socks and cut off any excess along the marked line.
- Armed with a needle, sew around the edges. Do this carefully, without skipping, otherwise “arrows” will form on the marks.
- Baste an elastic thread to the edges of each track, laying it under tension. The tracks are ready.
These life hacks will come in handy if you find yourself in a situation where you have nowhere or no time to buy real footwear. And if you have a lot of “single” socks of the same color, but of different lengths, the second method will help you use them to the benefit of both your wallet and your wardrobe.
The first method helped me out when I once again forgot to buy footwear. Now I'm not even sure it's worth buying them. You can get by with socks.