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Magnet for fat removal - is it worth buying? How the device works

The fat film on the surface of dishes worries many housewives. If you do not remove it, the food overloads the body and over time leads to extra pounds and health problems. If the soup is too rich, use a fat magnet. This kitchen gadget allows you to get rid of excess fat in food and slightly reduce its calorie content in one motion.

kitchen gadget

How a magnet works and how it works

A fat magnet is a small object with a cone-shaped working surface made of stainless steel. It is enough to pass it over the surface of a fatty dish, and the film will “stick” to the magnet.

The device is equipped with a comfortable plastic handle. It can be washed in the dishwasher. The shelf life of the gadget is unlimited if used correctly.

removing grease with a kitchen gadget

Advantages and disadvantages

A grease magnet is useful for correcting dishes that are too oily. In most of them, a tablespoon removes the fatty film just as effectively: in soups, lagman, goulash, etc. With deep-fried cutlets, it is more difficult. This is where a magnet comes in handy.

As an argument in favor of the gadget, housewives say the following: using a spoon in a pan of hot soup is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. The cone-shaped magnet protects you from burns and ensures accurate work. Drops of fat will not fall on the stove or countertop, but will freeze tightly to the magnet. Also, fat is collected with a spoon only from the surface, and the gadget allows you to remove it from deeper layers.

grease remover

Another argument in favor of the gadget is its affordable price, within 500 rubles.

The magazine purity-en.htgetrid.com advises: do not believe advertising. With one movement of a miraculous magnet you will not get rid of the fat and calorie content of a pork chop, goulash or kebab. If you want to lose weight, then make a choice in favor of proper nutrition, healthy foods and steamers instead of relying on yet another device.

Such a kitchen gadget should only be bought by housewives who have time to worry about an extra drop of oil. Or those lucky women whose husbands are fans of fatty foods. At least a little, but the device reduces the amount of calories and bad cholesterol in the dish.

kitchen appliance

How to use

Any housewife can master a kitchen appliance the first time. To remove excess fat from food, use a magnet as follows:

  1. Place the device in the freezer to allow the metal surface to cool thoroughly.
  2. Run an ice magnet over the finished dish. The fat will instantly cool and stick to the metal.
  3. Remove it and repeat the action if necessary.
  4. Included with the magnet is a special scraper attachment with ribs, which helps remove fat from the cone without getting your hands dirty. It can also be washed in the dishwasher.

removing fat from a dish with a gadget

It is impossible to say for sure whether such a magnet is needed in the kitchen. It has a number of advantages, but most likely the device will be used extremely rarely. It is unlikely that you regularly pour oil and add fatty meat or unpeeled chicken, resulting in jelly instead of broth. But the idea of ​​the device itself is not bad.

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