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Signs and superstitions for the New Year 2023: what to put on the table, how to decorate the house and what not to do

Not only children, but also adults look forward to the chiming clock, and everyone wants the coming year to be better than the previous one. But for this, desire alone is not enough - New Year’s rituals will help to attract good luck, and signs and superstitions for the New Year 2023 will tell you what can and cannot be done on the eve of the holiday and during the feast. And in order to organize everything correctly and “program” yourself for happiness and well-being, you need to prepare for the meeting of the Black Rabbit in advance.

Year of the Rabbit

First - farewell to the Tiger

Before celebrating the New Year, you need to spend the outgoing year with dignity - take stock and “clean up your tails”, finally doing what you have been putting off for a long time. After all, the Tiger will return only after 12 years, and it is better to part with him on good terms.

What needs to be done before December 31st:

  • Distribute debts. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to pay off a long-term loan, but it is necessary to pay off small obligations. Pay utility bills, fines, etc. Don’t forget about penny “loans” - for example, give 100 rubles to a colleague who bought you coffee and a bun for lunch when you forgot your wallet at home.
  • Return everything borrowed. Books, umbrellas, DVDs with films and music, instruments - the list of other people's things that somehow end up in our home can be continued endlessly. And on the eve of the New Year, they must return to their owners.
  • Finish things that have been put off for a long time.Did the wallpaper come off in the hallway in the summer? Glue it up! Do you need a new curtain for the bathroom or oilcloth for the dining table? Head to the store! Is the lock on your front door sticking? Fix it yourself or call a professional! Life consists of little things, and these are the things you need to pay attention to now so that they don’t darken your mood in the new year.
  • Make peace with those with whom you quarreled. And if this is impossible, forgive and mentally say goodbye to them - delete contacts from your phone, stop “friendship” on social networks. By the way, such cleaning is useful not only in cases when it comes to a quarrel. Do you really need the phone number of a lady from whom you once rented an apartment, but no longer communicate with her? It is better to delete it, like all contacts that have become irrelevant.
  • Call or write to people with whom communication has been constantly postponed. Old friends, former classmates, distant relatives... Perhaps some of them have been waiting for news from you for a long time. And the eve of a magical holiday is the best time to pay a little attention to these people.

It is better to start preparations in advance, at the beginning of December. After all, in the daily bustle and everyday worries it is so easy to forget about something! And if you do everything in advance, there will be time to correct the situation long before the chimes strike.

Year of the Tiger

We saw off the Tiger - we are preparing to meet the Rabbit

Many people associate the rabbit with fearfulness and timidity, but this is only partly true. The fluffy long-eared one is not cowardly, but is cautious and prudent, but, if necessary, is capable of showing courage and bravery. He is also fast, cunning and incredibly clean. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to is order in the house. But ordinary cleaning is not enough; you need to clean the space, guided by certain rules:

  • Go through the “goods” in closets, chests of drawers and bedside tables, throw away old, unnecessary things to make room for new ones. After all, the Rabbit is mobile and needs space, which does not and cannot exist in a cluttered home.
  • Clean out all the nooks and crannies in the house. We are talking about dust under the bed and bedside tables, cobwebs behind the sofa and in other hard-to-reach places. The rabbit is not only inquisitive, but also loves to sit in a secluded corner. Don’t get his fluffy fur coat and curious pink nose dirty because you were too lazy to clean up in one of the “shelters”!
  • Wash glass and mirrors thoroughly. In the year of the Black Rabbit, the element of Water dominates - clean, transparent, sparkling with reflections under the sun's rays. Glass surfaces in the house should look the same. And, of course, don’t forget to wash the curtains and tulle covering the windows.
  • Put everything related to water in order. Is your kitchen faucet leaking? Fix it or install a new one! Is the water in the aquarium cloudy and the bottom is covered with food residue? Clean up the home of guppies and catfish! Is your cute home fountain broken? Repair or dumpster, there is no third option.
  • Buy a New Year's symbol. This could be a figurine of a rabbit, a poster or wall calendar with a picture of a long-eared rabbit, a refrigerator magnet, etc. Just don’t buy toys and souvenirs made from real rabbit (hare) fur or stuffed animals! The patron of 2023 will definitely not forgive you for such blasphemy.

Cleaning before the New Year

Equally important is the mood and belief in all good things. On the eve of the holiday, you need to drive away heavy, negative thoughts, forget about grievances and adversities. Instead of being sad, it is better to make a list of wishes and plans for the next year, and, of course, visit the New Year's fair to stock up on gifts for loved ones.

Cleaned the house? Now let's decorate!

A rabbit is a gentle, soft creature that loves warmth and comfort. He is repulsed by bright tinsel and an abundance of glitter. Therefore, according to the signs for the New Year 2023, to decorate your home you need to choose restrained, discreet tones.

Suitable home decor:

  • silver rain;
  • silver plated cones and walnuts;
  • white, blue, gray and beige paper figures;
  • “felt boots” and “socks” of Santa Claus, but not red or bright blue, but made in soft, calm shades;
  • artificial snowflakes, white or with silver glitter, etc.

You can place soft decorative pillows on beds and sofas, and there is no need to close the shadow curtains in the rooms. Let at least a small strip of tulle peek through between the thick curtains.


But what to do with the bright and sparkling Christmas balls waiting in boxes? Do you urgently need to buy light and discreet ones? You can do this, but, as a rule, before the holidays there is already something to spend money on, and the purchase of new toys can make a noticeable hole in the budget. But there is a way out - just wrap the balls with soft light yarn or silver rain, or wrap them in light foil. This way you will not only “deceive” the Rabbit, who doesn’t like bright colors, but also get original Christmas tree decorations.

Choosing an outfit for New Year's Eve

The style of clothing does not matter, but the quality and color of the material from which it is made does matter. The rabbit loves soft things, so you should give preference to outfits made from mixed or natural fabrics. Under no circumstances should you wear leather or fur (even artificial).

Choosing an outfit for New Year's Eve

The colors of clothing should be calm and discreet, not necessarily light. The following shades are suitable:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • light yellow;
  • sand;
  • ocher;
  • caramel;
  • olive;
  • terracotta;
  • blue;
  • grey, from light to dark;
  • deep blue;
  • apple green;
  • khaki.

Clothes may not be monochromatic. The rabbit is a child of nature; he will like floral and plant motifs, which in cold winter remind him of warm summer and gentle sun.

Setting the New Year's table

The Rabbit is not particularly picky about table setting and decoration. To please him, it is enough to meet 3 conditions:

  1. Cover the table with a blue or silver tablecloth. These are the favorite colors of the furry guest.
  2. Braid the legs of the chairs on which guests and hosts will sit with a soft light rope. You can loosely, but so that it wraps around them like a vine. This decor will serve as a symbol of a strong family, love and friendship.
  3. Remove candles and anything related to fire from the room where the holiday will take place. This scares the long-eared ones. You can also light sparklers on the street when you go to watch fireworks after midnight.

New Year's table

The Black Rabbit has more “claims” to the treat. It will be easier to please him if you adhere to certain principles:

  • You can put on the table dishes made from pork, beef, veal, poultry or fish. The symbol of the year is a vegetarian, but does not demand the same from others. Just under no circumstances should you cook rabbit and hare meat! It is better to abstain from nutria - although it is not such a close relative of the rabbit, a long-eared capricious person may not approve of such a dish.
  • You should not arrange treats in the form of a symbol of the year. Come up with other serving options - for example, you can not only stack salads in salad bowls, but also fill tartlets with them.
  • The rabbit is a herbivore, and there should be a lot of greenery on the table.It can be served on a separate dish, or decorated with hot slices or branches, salads, and appetizers. And if you find some fresh mint, don’t leave your desserts without green decor.
  • Drinks on the table should be natural - homemade compotes, fruit drinks, juices. In the latter case, it is better to avoid exotics and put an apple, carrot, peach or pumpkin drink on the table. Alcohol is not forbidden, but it is preferable if it is homemade wine or tincture. But the Rabbit doesn’t mind the traditional champagne at midnight either!
  • And, of course, carrots must be present on the table. It can, like greens, be served in its natural form, added to salads and used as decoration. For example, cut out stars from the fruit and arrange them beautifully on top of salads or sandwiches.

After the feast, crumbs left on the tablecloth should not be thrown into the trash can. Collect them in a napkin and, going outside, scatter them in the wind. This way you will demonstrate to the Rabbit your generosity and willingness not only to receive benefits, but also to share them.

New Year's rituals to attract luck, wealth and love

The ritual for fulfilling a wish, when you need to write it down on paper, and at midnight burn it and eat the ashes, is probably known to everyone. But there are still many ways to “attract” luck, money and love on New Year’s Eve.

New Year rituals

How to bring good luck into your home:

  • Celebrate the coming year in a new outfit. Moreover, this applies not only to a dress or suit, but also to accessories and even underwear.
  • Shortly before the chimes, peel the tangerine and place it under the tree, thus “appeasing” the New Year.
  • 5-10 minutes before midnight, open the window or front door to “let in” good luck.
  • During the celebration, be sure to dance around the Christmas tree.This will attract not only luck, but also health.
  • If an animal (cat, dog) strays into the house on New Year's Eve, sheltering it is happiness “knocking.”

Rituals to attract financial well-being:

  • Decorate the Christmas tree with coins and bills wrapped in foil.
  • Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it in the corner of the kitchen.
  • On December 31, put one large bill in the wallet of each family member.
  • When setting the table, place a coin under all the plates.
  • Before the celebration begins, put a bill in your right pocket; the larger the denomination, the better.
  • As the chimes strike, rub 2 coins between your palms.

How to “attract” love and strengthen relationships:

  • Those who have not yet met their soulmate should hang a heart-shaped toy on the Christmas tree.
  • For single people, New Year's midnight, met on the road, promises a quick romantic acquaintance.
  • To avoid separation in the coming year, lovers need to hold hands tightly as the chimes strike.
  • For families, in order to strengthen ties and attract prosperity, they should give gifts to seven children on New Year's Day.

When performing rituals, you need to draw a picture in your thoughts of what you wished as clearly as possible. Think about future love, luck or material well-being with joy, as if it has already happened.

What not to do before the New Year

Folk signs and superstitions for the New Year 2023 will not only tell you how to celebrate the holiday correctly, but will also protect you from mistakes. In order not to scare away good luck and various blessings, you need to remember several prohibitions regarding the last day of the outgoing year and New Year's Eve.

Christmas tree decoration

So, on December 31st you cannot:

  • do cleaning and laundry;
  • sew, knit and embroider;
  • walk barefoot;
  • swear, including at pets or inanimate objects;
  • sort things out;
  • cry;
  • prepare holiday dishes in a bad mood;
  • borrow;
  • wear other people's things or jewelry;
  • touch objects donated by people with whom relationships have ended;
  • refuse those who wanted to celebrate the holiday with you.

The lock-ins are not that impossible, and they are not difficult to comply with. And if something that should not have been done was done, do not despair. These are just superstitions! Smile, forgive yourself and continue to believe that 2023 will be one of the happiest years of the Black Rabbit in your life.

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