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Under no circumstances give this to your friends for the New Year: TOP 15 worst gifts

Sometimes no gift is much better than a gift. To prevent you from getting into this situation, we have compiled a list of things that you definitely should not give to your friends (or anyone at all) for the New Year. The list is impressive, so bookmark the article to have a “cheat sheet” on hand during your pre-holiday shopping run.

Novoseltsev with a horse

1. Interior decorations

When buying a vase, figurine or painting as a gift, think three times whether there is a place for this thing in the house. Most likely, it will not fit into the interior in color, style, or simply will not be liked by one of the family members. As a result, such a gift will go to the garage, to the country house, or will be given away.

Gift set of cosmetics

2. Personal care products

It would seem that deodorant, razor, shower gel and moisturizing soap are an excellent gift for the New Year. But these objects can be perceived as a hint that the person smells bad. And in such a set there is “no soul” - you get the impression that you were in a hurry and grabbed the first thing that came to hand from the shelf in the store.

Girl with knitted New Year's things

3.Things with New Year's symbols

The fifth sweater with a deer, the eighth pair of red socks with snowflakes and the fifteenth hat with the inscription “Happy New Year” will not please anyone. If only because their relevance is very limited - such things look fun and cool only during the New Year holidays, and the rest of the time they take up space in the closet.

Gift set with tea and glasses

4. Gift sets

Such sets often contain goods that are not in demand among customers. To free warehouses from illiquid goods, cunning sellers pack them in beautiful, bright boxes and put them on display as bait for those who are too lazy to look for a really good present.

Books as a gift

5. Books

If your friend loves to read and you know exactly what publication he dreams of, this book will be a great gift. In other cases, refuse such a purchase. And even more so, you shouldn’t hand someone educational literature, collections of culinary recipes and brochures “How to lose 25 kg in a week” at the chimes.

Parker pen

6. Just expensive things

Choosing a gift based on its price, rather than focusing on the person’s preferences, is a disastrous idea. After all, in fact, it doesn’t matter how much a thing costs, the main thing is that it brings joy or benefit. Otherwise it's trash. Well, or very expensive junk.

Yogurt maker

7. Kitchen utensils

Presenting kitchen “devices” along with congratulations is not worth it for several reasons:

  • First, these items are for general use, not personal use.
  • Secondly, all these juicers, waffle makers, yogurt makers and ice cream makers are often used 2-3 times, after which they stand in the kitchen as “dead weight”, taking up space and collecting dust.
  • Thirdly, they are perceived as an ordinary thing and do not create a festive mood.


8. Office

If you wouldn't like to receive a notepad, calendar or task planner as a gift, rest assured that your friend won't be happy with these things either. Most likely, he makes to-do lists in a special application on his phone, and does not write down, creaking a pencil on paper, so you’d better buy him a power bank.

Screwdriver without battery

9. Things that require additional investment

A New Year's (or any other) gift must be usable in the form in which it was presented. It is unlikely that the new owner is calculating his budget taking into account the fact that he will have to buy protective equipment before skating on donated rollers, or undergo paid instruction before a parachute jump.

Decorative cosmetics

10. Decorative cosmetics

Even if you know your friend's preferences well, you still run the risk of buying mascara to which she is allergic, or choosing the wrong shade of lipstick. Considering the fact that cosmetics cannot be exchanged or returned, it is worth giving not specific products, but a certificate for the amount you planned to spend.

Tired man in the gym

11. Gym membership

By giving a gym membership to a person who is far from sports, you are literally forcing him to do something he doesn’t like. This will definitely not add joy to him. The same applies to other “themed” gifts: tracksuits, exercise equipment, dumbbells, discs with video recordings of workouts.

Homemade Christmas tree toy

12. Handmade things

If you are over 10 years old, you should not give your friends hand-made cards, jewelry and other hand-made items. The exception is the case when you are professionally engaged in their manufacture. The reason is simple: without the skills, it is difficult to create a truly beautiful, stylish thing.

Lamp and icons on the shelf

13. Religious paraphernalia

You can present a friend with an icon, a chain with a cross, an amulet, a rosary, holy books and other religious paraphernalia in one and only case - when the person has clearly expressed a desire to receive such a gift. And even more so, you shouldn’t put anyone “on the right path” with such surprises.

Anti-wrinkle cream

14. Things that hint at age or appearance

Anti-wrinkle cream, shapewear for figure correction or compression socks for varicose veins - these and similar things will be perceived more as a mockery than as a useful gift. Therefore, it is not recommended to put them under the Christmas tree even for the closest people, so as not to spoil their mood on New Year's Eve.

Chanel number five

15. Perfume

A person who uses the same perfume year after year can be given exactly this. But when you hand over a bottle that was selected with the help of a consultant in a store or is simply considered fashionable, you risk making a mistake, because everyone perceives smells in their own way. But if you still intend to please your friend with a new scent, buy him a certificate to the perfume store.

When choosing a New Year's gift, remember: it should bring only positive emotions. Therefore, take the time to find exactly the thing that will please your boyfriend or girlfriend.

What do you think is the worst New Year's gift?
  1. Tatiana

    I will be glad to receive any gift, but in general I am more pleased that the person himself came, even if without a gift.

  2. Candy

    The worst thing is to receive sports nutrition as a gift when you do maximum exercise in the morning.

  3. M.

    Um... what about giving it?

  4. Lana

    I will be very happy with sweaters with deer and snowflakes, even if I already have 10 of them!

  5. Lesya

    a gift horse... as they say

  6. Svetlana

    Author, what should I give then?

  7. Natalie

    I love it when people give me banal things: towels, mugs, socks, tea, soap. All of these things come in handy, and a holiday themed pot holder makes me happy all year. Probably because I rarely receive gifts?

  8. Meow meow

    Money in an envelope.

  9. Olka K.

    What if I know for sure that my friends want exactly this perfume, this frying pan, a new diary, a funny notebook, a book by their favorite author and a scarf I knitted?

  10. Camila

    The list includes all useful gifts, of course, except perfume. All the perfumes that were given to me, I don’t use any of them.

  11. Lily

    I hate souvenirs or throw them away or put them in boxes.

  12. Olya

    Before the New Year, I try to carefully ask what a person needs, and sometimes I ask directly. If there is no answer, he will receive money or something tasty.

  13. Anna



